The Gang Goes on a Magical Adventure

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Keith, Ruby, and DD arrive at Illusion's secret lair. They fight their way through the minions, but Illusion escapes. They chase him through the city, but he keeps disappearing. Suddenly, Neco appears and freezes Illusion with his magic. MN and Reco arrive and help defeat him. The city is saved!

With nothing else to do, they find a hidden treasure, a chest filled with gold, jewels, and ancient artifacts, and must decide what to do with it.

Keith wants to keep it for himself, but Ruby and DD disagree. Neco suggests using it for good, like helping those in need. MN wants to study the artifacts to learn more about the past. Reco thinks they should give it to the authorities, ironically.

They listen to Reco and decide to turn the treasure over to the authorities, hoping it will be used for the greater good.

The local museum curator, Professor Grace, is thrilled with the ancient artifacts and thanks them for their honesty. The group feels proud and content with their decision, knowing they made a positive impact. But little do they know, Professor Grace has an ulterior motive...

The artifacts are put on display at the museum, but strange occurences happen.

As the artifacts are being prepared for display, strange occurrences start happening around them. Objects move on their own, and eerie whispers echo through the exhibit hall. Visitors report feeling cold spots and seeing ghostly apparitions. Professor Grace dismisses it as mere superstition, but the group suspects something more sinister.

The group decides to let the museum handle the situation, hoping it will blow over.

But the occurrences escalate, and the museum asks for their help. Professor Grace reveals she has been studying the artifacts' ancient curses and needs their assistance to break them.

They decide to wash their hands of the situation and leave the museum.

But as they walk away, they hear a loud crash and see the museum engulfed in flames. Professor Grace runs out, screaming for help.

The group quickly leaves the area, not wanting to get caught up in any more drama.  

But as they walk away, they hear sirens and see police cars heading towards the museum. They realize they may have inadvertently caused the fire and feel guilty.

They decide to take a detour through the park to clear their heads and figure out what to do next.

As they walk, they notice strange symbols etched into the trees. They follow the symbols, which lead them to a hidden clearing deep in the woods. In the center of the clearing stands an ancient tree with glowing runes carved into its trunk. 

They take out their pocket knife and begin to carve their own symbols into the tree.

As they do, the runes on the tree start to glow brighter. Suddenly, a voice speaks to them from the tree. "Who dares to deface the ancient tree?" it says.

They draw their knives and prepare for battle.

But the voice laughs at them. "You think your little knives can harm me?" it says. Suddenly, the tree begins to grow and transform, its branches twisting and turning into long, spindly fingers that reach out for them.

The group attacks the tree with their knives.

But the branches easily deflect their attacks. The tree's fingers wrap around their wrist, holding them in place. The voice speaks again, "You should not have come here. You will never leave."

And so, the group is stuck in that park for all eternity. "If only we had stayed at the museum and helped..." Mia wonders sadly. Everyone turns towards Reco. "This is all your fault Reco! If we hadn't turned in the treasure to the authorities, we would be somewhere else now!" they all simultaneously shout. "Okay, geez, I'm sorry," Reco grumbles, looking away. The tree feels bad for the group, so it lets them all go eventually...except for Reco. It thinks he deserves a punishment. The group watches with amusement as Reco struggles to get out of the tree's grasp. "Guys! A little help here!" he pleads. "Next time, stay a rogue and don't turn to the government," Neco smirks, quite ironically. And so the group leaves Reco all alone.

That night, they get very drunk and pass out at Keith's house. When they wake up, they forget all about the magical events of yesterday. And so Reco remains to be a forgotten figure of the past, and not even his brother or his ex-boyfriend or "best friend" or the drug company remembered him.

The end!

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