Super Pico and Friends

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Pico is holding an object, and suddenly, he starts to feel strange. He looks down and sees that the object is glowing brighter and brighter. He starts to feel a strange energy coursing through his body.

Pico decides to hold onto the object and see what happens.

The glow becomes even brighter, and he starts to feel a strange power coursing through his veins. Suddenly, he feels like he can do anything! He starts to levitate off the ground, and he sees that he has super strength.

He names himself Super Pico, because the coolest (heroes) always have cool (superhero) titles.

He starts to use his new powers to save the day, but he also starts to realize that with great power comes great responsibility. 

So, he does the only logical thing to do in his case - he uses his powers to take over the world and become Supervillain Pico!

Supervillain Pico decides to use his powers to take over the world. He starts by taking control of the government and making himself the supreme ruler. He uses his powers to enforce his will and make sure no one opposes him. But he soon realizes that being a dictator is not as fun as he thought it would be. People are unhappy, and he starts to feel lonely and isolated.

Even so, he continues to rule with an iron fist

But he starts to realize that his powers are not enough to keep people under control. He starts to use dark magic to keep people in line, but this only makes things worse. People start to revolt, and Pico is forced to flee.

He runs into a cave, but the people were expecting this. They had placed bombs all around the cave, which was actually a kryptonite mine. They set off the bombs, which caused the mine to explode! Kryptonite crystals fell everywhere on top of Supervillain Reco, removing his powers.

Without his powers, Supervillain Pico becomes just regular ol' normal Pico, and is left alone and defeated.

So, he does the only logical thing to do in his case- he tries to regain his powers and make a comeback.

He starts by studying magic and working on his powers. He eventually manages to regain some of his abilities, but they are not as strong as they used to be. He decides to use his powers for good this time and becomes a superhero, fighting against evil and protecting the innocent.

He joins a superhero team and works together with others to fight crime, because he knows he's a total weak duckling by himself.

He uses his powers and skills to help the team and protect the city, along with his team, becoming Super Pico again. The hero team becomes popular and loved by the people, and Pico finally finds a sense of belonging and purpose. But, a new threat arises and the team must work together to stop it. Oh no! What in the world will Super Pico do?

Just so you know, Super Pico's team consists of Super Pico the hitman trainee, BF from the B.H.BF.D.M.G., Deimos from Hank's alcoholics party last night, Reco the hitman, Picon the runaway, Senpai the pixel monster, and Tac the nerd. Together, they form a powerful and unique team, each with their own special abilities and skills. They work together to fight crime and protect the city from various threats.

To deal with the new threat, Super Pico and friends gather information and come up with a strategic plan before taking action.

They use their skills and resources to gather intel on the threat and come up with a plan that plays to their strengths. With their plan in place, they feel confident and prepared to take on the threat.

Knowing that they will need even more people to help with their plan, they share their plan with other superheroes and everyone works together to take down the threat. 

The extra side heroes who actually do all the fighting while the main characters stand around like bamboozled bozos include Rewind the hitman rival, DD the murderer, and Illusion the monster. Together, they work out a strategy to take down the threat, using their combined powers and skills. Rewind uses his time manipulation powers to slow down the threat, DD uses his strength and weapons to take down the threat's minions, and Illusion creates illusions to confuse and disorient the threat.

Super Pico's team, at least, all the side characters, work together to take down the threat, and they are successful in defeating it. Only three people accomplished this because everyone else is useless. Congrats 👏.

The city is saved, and the people cheer for their heroes. Super Pico and his team are hailed as legends, even though the only people who did the actual work was the rival hitman, the murderer, and the monster. Super Pico and friends continue to protect the city from any future threats.

The end!

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