Corrupted President

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Tac and Keith stumble upon a hidden conspiracy involving their school's administration. They discover that the principal is actually a supervillain, and he's been using the school as a front for his evil plans!

Tac and Keith confront the principal.

Tac and Keith gather their courage and march into the principal's office. They demand answers, but the principal denies everything. Suddenly, the principal's phone rings – it's his accomplice, warning him that Tac and Keith are onto them! The principal tries to silence them, but Tac and Keith refuse to back down.

They take matters into their own hands and start investigating on their own.

Tac uses his hacking skills to gather intel, while Keith uses his charm to gather information from the school staff. They discover that the principal has been embezzling funds and using them to finance his evil plans!

They go to the school board with their findings.

They present their evidence to the school board, but the principal denies everything. Just as the board is about to dismiss their claims, Tac reveals a secret recording of the principal's accomplice admitting to the conspiracy! The board is shocked and immediately takes action. The principal is fired, and Tac and Keith are hailed as heroes!

The end!

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