epilogue : the real checkmate

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"Alright, I'll take off now." Trisha smiled, picking up her bag. Reya nodded, sipping her tea. Trisha glanced at the owner of the chai place, cleaning up the counters. 

"We should go on double dates, soon."

Reya's face lit up. "So, he passed your vibe check?"

"Any guy who can make up a cup of coffee or tea passes my vibe check."

Reya laughed. 

"I'll go now. Text you later tonight."

"Cool. Bye!"

Trisha waved and began plodding on the sidewalk. Her phone chimed with a notification. 

All the best for finals

Her lips lifted into a smirk. She hastened in the direction of a cyber cafe. She quickly paid for an hour's use of a computer. 

Then, she dropped into a seat and pulled on the headphones the cafe had provided her.

'Welcome to the 21st final round of the Chess International Finals organized by-'  Trisha tuned out the commentator's words. 

She opened her chat box and typed.


Same to you

Then, she went back to the screen that displayed a chess board.

'Match begins in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-'

"And the 5th showdown between Tris4506 and Vik12Nayak during the finals of a chess international competition begins now."

After an hour's hard-fought match, Trisha had won. It had really been a daring move that somehow resulted in her win.

She leaned back in her seat. 

Good match.

Where's my promised victory tribute?

Trisha sent out the message, with a smile. She, then, scrolled through the comments, commenting on the whirlwind match that had gone down.

From the corner of her eye, she caught something moving toward her.

A hand appeared between the small width that separated computers. It was pushing a velvet square box. 

Trisha lifted herself up and peeked at the owner of the hands. She blinked and sat back down. She accepted the box and opened it. 

She froze.

After  few moments, the person who had given her the box, stood up from his computer and walked over to her place. 

"It only makes sense to propose in the place I first saw you, hm?"

Trisha's lips trembled.

"Are you absolutely sure about this?"

Vikram raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't propose unless I was absolutely sure."

"I might keep defeating you in every chess match we play. You sure you can handle it?"

Vikram grinned. "That's only more reason for you to marry me, don't you think?"

Trisha's glassy eyes took him in. Then, she reached for him.

Vikram accepted her embrace, offering his own tight, warm one in return. 

"So, what does this mean?"

"Refer to your book of flirting and romance tips. You'll understand."

"I could do that but that would take time. I'm not good with suspense."

Trisha snickered. "I would love to marry you." A pause. "And defeat you all the time."

Vikram pulled away slightly and slipped the ring on her finger.

Then, he looked up at her eyes, his lips curving.

"Checkmate, love."

a/n: thank you for reading 'the king's gambit'! 

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a/n: thank you for reading 'the king's gambit'! 

wordcount: 514 words

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