the second move

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THE NEXT DAY was a hot sultry day

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THE NEXT DAY was a hot sultry day. Two young men were seated under a large umbrella, sweating buckets. One of them had a black cap on, that hung low. His eyes earnestly travelled through the lines of the book he was reading.

The other sat, glaring at the opposite booth, his chin rested on his palm. His eyes flicked to his companion.


Vikram did not respond, flicking a page.

"I was the one who proposed the idea of having a club fair in the university. Isn't that right?"

Again, no response.

"Yet, why is it that my persuasiveness and efforts go unrewarded?"


"The worst part is that vague culture club over there," He pointed at the opposite booth. "is the one reaping the rewards of my efforts. Tell me, is this right?"

The sound of a page flicking.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

In a swift movement, Vikram's book was snatched away and his cap stolen. His companion carefully tucked away the items and stared at him. 

"This chess club depends on you now, Vikram."

Vikram raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. It depends on you. You need to use your face card and get someone - at least 5 people - to sign up for our club."

Vikram deadpanned. "No."

"Tell me, Vikram." The Chess Club president leaned forward, in a conspiratorial manner. "What did the vice-chairman say when I had started this club last year?"

Vikram blinked.

"If we don't have at least 10 members in this club by this month, the club will be dismissed, remember?" The president supplied.

Vikram nodded, considering it.

"We only have 2 members, my friend. We need at least 8 more. So, go out. Stand outside our booth for 5 minutes. That's all I ask."

Vikram contemplated it, tilting his head. His eyes flicked to the sky. It was a bright sunny weather wielding heat like it was it's weapon.

"If this club is dismissed, you will have to join another club. Then, you will have to do work." Anand said, each word dragged slowly for the sake of the effect.

Vikram stood up, trudging outside the booth and gazed at people. Anand smirked. He felt he was too smart for his own good.

In less than five minutes, many girls enquired about the club, while glancing at Vikram. Some boys too had come and signed up. Within 10 minutes, the registrations had reached a total of eighteen.

Vikram sat down under the shelter of the umbrella, his pale skin red from the assault of the heat. He stood back up, muttering to Anand that he was going to the washroom.

Anand smiled, counting the tally on the registration sheet once more, paying no attention to Vikram.

On the other side of the club fair, Reya and Trisha were wandering around, exploring clubs, with linked arms.

"You interested in anything?" Trisha asked, his searching gaze not missing anything.

"Nah...Why are there no hot guys in this university..."

Trisha rolled her eyes.

"I want to go for a club that has eye candies." Reya sighed. "If not, I'll just follow you to whatever you're going for."

Trisha hummed, her head craning and moving, glancing at people and booths.

"What are you looking for?"

"The chess club." Trisha answered, grinning.

Reya let out another sigh. "Ah man...The chess club probably won't have any hot guys. I'll just go sign up for the dance club, then."

Trisha waited as Reya approached the dance club and filled up her registration form. She glanced around. Her eyes caught sight of the chess booth. Immediately, it lit up.

She hurried over to the chess booth, which was relatively less crowded. Her eyes landed on a man with glasses. His hair was neatly tucked and he wore a button-up shirt.

"Hi there. Can I sign up for the chess club?"

His eyes gleamed.

"Of course. You just need to write your student ID number here and your name. If you have a chess ID, you can write that down as well."

Trisha nodded, smiling. She wrote down her details. "When do club activities usually take place?"

"Every Friday at 6PM. Club working starts from this week."

Trisha nodded and bid him adieu.

Then, she hurried back over to her friend and informed her that she had found the chess club and had signed up.

Anand stared at the chess ID next to the name Trisha. Tris4506. He blinked. At that moment, Vikram was walking back over to the booth from the back path and was about to sit down.

"Hey, Vikram. Check out this ID. Isn't this the one you played the server finals against?"

Vikram glanced at it and blinked. "Yeah. This person signed up for the chess club?"

Anand nodded.

"Was she short with shoulder length hair?"

Anand nodded, again.

Vikram glanced back at the name Trisha. His lips curved. 


a/n: no chess in this chapter, phew

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a/n: no chess in this chapter, phew. so what do you think Vikram is upto?
wordcount: 830 words
soundtrack: higher - albert posis [ soundtrack playlist ]

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