the fifth move

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TRISHA STARED at the chess board in front of her

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TRISHA STARED at the chess board in front of her. 

She had accepted the request and was ready for the game. Ample preparations had been done for it.

She was going to win back her dignity and respect on this website. 

Vik12Nayak was finally online. The match quickly started. It went up on the list of matches being currently played. Noticing the user ids, many viewers quickly rapidly poured in, eager to watch the match. The server chat, which had been dry for so long, suddenly burst with commentators.

The sides were being assigned.

Trisha got white. Her mouth curved. Time to put her plans in action. Today, she was going to use a very different play style.

She moved the pawn in front of her king. King's Pawn Opening.

Vik quickly responded, moving his own king's pawn. In a move, so swift it scared some viewers, she moved her queen to h5.

A few seconds passed before Vik made his next move, bishop to d6. Trisha grinned. He had understood what she was planning on doing. Not that her plan was something completely unique and rare. It was pretty commonplace.

She moved her bishop to c4. 

Vik, again, waited for a few seconds before moving his knight to h6. Trisha's grin grew wider. He was doing well to protect himself from a checkmate. 

The comments in the server chat were those of complaining and groaning.

Ah man, that was the wrong move...He should've gone for Queen to e7.

I agree with the user above. Tris is going to avenge herself, hehe

Trisha moved her pawn to d3. Vik immediately  moved his bishop from d6 to b4. It was a check. Trisha moved the bishop's pawn to c3, blocking the check.

A few seconds passed. Vik was running out of time. He moved his other knight to c6.

Trisha let out a "AHA!" and moved her bishop to h6. He chose to castle his king. Trisha killed his bishop, which was at b4. To block her bishop, Vikram moved his pawn to d5. Trisha killed the pawn with her bishop.

He moved his knight to b4. Trisha moved her bishop back to e3, a little conflicted. 

Vikram, then, made a move that made her groan. He moved his knight to c3. Trisha moved her king to d2, in despair. There went her rook.

Then, she moved her knight to f3. He moved his pawn to c6. Trisha let out a breath. This was risky. 

She moved her bishop to f7. Vikram moved his rook forward, killing it. She moved her queen to to the same spot, killing the rook. Vikram's queen at f6 moved a step back to f7. She killed the queen with her knight and he, in return, captured it with his king. 

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