I'm Sorry...Me Too

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Riley's pov

Getting dressed in a nice button up and jeans I began to do my hair when Jasmine came in dressed nicely making me confused. "You're dresses up" "yes aren't we going on a date tonight? You said you'd take me on one to celebrate our coming together" she said making me realize that I had said that last night after sleeping with her and nodded. "Yes of course, you look beautiful" "you aren't dressed up for me are you" "I am actually I just have never seen you dressed up before I would've thought you'd be in jeans and a t-shirt" I said pushing it to an excuse so I wouldn't make her feel bad. "No of course not, now that I am Luna I need to act and present myself like one" she said smiling making me nod seeing that I did make the right choice in who was going to be my Luna, aside from my mate. Thinking about it made my chest hurt before I shook it off and lead us to the car downstairs forgetting about giving my mate a dress for tonight.

Coming home from the date was actually quiet nice we talked and even had a few laughs, but it wasn't the same as it would've been with Anastasia and that's what I keep telling myself. After helping Jasmine out I felt as if we were being watched and looked around before looking at her window and saw her staring at us with some sort of look. Watching as she closed the curtain I sighed and walked us in as Jasmine asked me if I was okay. Looking down at her I lightly gave her a smile and nodded "yeah I'm good I had a great time tonight" I said making her nod and smile with a "me too". Bringing her to our bedroom I changed into something comfortable before telling her I was heading to the office to do some work. Walking to her door I placed my hand at the door ready to knock before sighing not knowing what to say to the mate that I keep breaking. Heading to my office I shut it behind me and began on doing some paperwork. As time past I decided on order her favorite flowers and had them sent to her room with a card that said how sorry I was not that it was going to fix much. After my last piece of paper work of the stack I was on I made my way to my bedroom hoping and wishing things would be different in the future.

Anastasia's pov

Waking up in the basement I remembered what had happened last night and made my way upstairs to the bedroom and went to the closet to change when I noticed a vase full of daisies on my dresser with a note. Slowly opening the card I knew who it was based on the two little words that were there "I'm sorry". Sighing I grabbed a pen and wrote in the bottome "me too" before I placed the card back onto the dresser and grabbed a pair of black leggings with a white t-shirt that reached at my waist before going into the bathroom and did my morning routine. Finishing up I made my way into my room to see the alpha sitting on the bed with the note in his hand. "What do you mean by "me too"" he asked looking up at me with a frown making me sigh and shake my head laughing humorlessly. "I guess I'm sorry for being a burden on you, making you think that you had to treat me as anything special, you are the alpha after all I am an omega and soon a toy for your needs and desires I should not be thinking anything else but I did, I thought I was more and for that I'm sorry" I said placing my clothes in the dirty hamper before he sighed and shook his head. "No, no thats not what you are to me you mean more to me than just that" "I am a pack member of course". "No, you are my mate, my future wife, my pups mother, m- I am not your mate to the public, I'm not your mate to you even. I cannot be your future wife because I am a mistress, and a segregate for you pups because that will be the only way you can have one. I am nothing special other than a mistress alpha" I said looking up at him for once showing him the tears running down my face with the pain that is in my heart now on my face. "I can't change your title- I know you can't I would never ask that or burden that on you, but I ask that you please don't promise me things that you cannot keep anymore, it only hurts when there's nothing left to grab onto" I said making the room quiet and that was the end of the date night talks.

5 years later

The omegas had gotten out the day of the heat and no one noticed until a week later and found that Bridget was the one to do it all. Of course Riley suspected me but because of the law he refused to voice his opinion on me being a traitor I would've been executed. I still remember the day he had mated with me like it was yesterday it was nothing I could have wanted for my worst enemy.

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