Chapter 13

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A/N: This starts from Lantroupa's POV of Chapter 12.

Lantroupa moves her head slightly, grimacing against her raging headache and the dryness in her throat. She's so weak; there's no fight left, hardly any blood in her system. Everything is foggy and she can't even open her eyes.
There's a noise at the door and she flinches without even trying. Nothing good ever comes through that thing, but there's something off about this. It's too quiet, and taking too long for it to be the guards.
There's footsteps and Lantroupa finds the strength to open her eyes.
She's never seen this guy before. He's tall and fit with burnished skin that looks like it's caught between a tan and a sunburn. His hair is the same color with just a little more chocolate at the roots where it curls tightly to his head in contrast to the wavy lengths which are blond. His face is kind and his eyes are a piercing blue green color she can only describe as coral sea. They carry the same tones as the pictures Lantroupa saw of the corals as a child. His expression is surprised and intrigued and a little scared but he takes a couple steps forward despite his feelings.
Fear surges through Lantroupa and a whine slices past her lips, throat immediately flaring up and tearing in responds as she tries to roll herself away from this unknown person.
His footsteps immediately stop but Lantroupa keeps her head turned fiercely away, keeping a sharp ear out for any movement on his part, terrified that he will hurt her like everyone else has.
There's an uncomfortable silence for a little bit before his voice cuts into it.
"I won't hurt you..."
Her ears hurt at the noise and the words do nothing to comfort her as she tries to pick herself up again to squirm away.
He stops talking at once and there's silence again.
After that everything is a bit of a muddle. She thinks she hears the door, then shuffling footsteps, some pounding, and then a couple crashes and loud yelling that leaves her a huddled trembling mess with her ears ringing and feeling like her brain will explode.
Somewhere along the line and through the commotion, she turns her head to look and sees the new guy towering over the main scientist--or torturer--and then he turns to look at her.
Their eyes meet and she barely feels the streak of blood trailing down her chin.
The guy's eyes widen and he starts towards her before whipping around and being covered in guards. They swarm him and though he impressively tries to fight back, they overpower and knock him down, dragging him out of the room before Lantroupa can even correctly comprehend everything that just happened.
The scientist glares at her with hatred before hurrying out after the guards that just saved his sorry butt and silence settles in again.
Lantroupa moans and closes her eyes, rolling to face the wall.


Consciousness returns slowly. I hear my sharp inhale even over the ringing in my ears and my eyes blink open rapidly. I stare around. I'm in a dark, small metal room. I'm kneeling on the ground and move to get up, but the sharp rattling of chains and tension on my arms immediately stops me from going anywhere. I look around, my head heavy and notice the source of the inconvenience. I'm chained to the back wall from either side, thick chains and heavy shackles, like they're meant for some wild animal. My shoulders are burning from the strain and my wrists feel like they're about to snap. I take a deep breath, forcing it out again through my mouth and squeezing my eyes shut for just a second before opening them again to orient myself. My heartbeat slows steadily until I've regained my composer. Just as I do, the airlock in front of me hisses into the release position and the door swings open. I stare hard at the two black clothed guards that come in and position themselves at either side of the door.
They don't say anything, and even though I want to shout out a billion questions I bite my tongue and stifle the desire. For once, I probably should not act impulsively.
Following the two guards comes a tall, strong man, blond, in a captain's uniform.
"Treás Valquire." His voice is steady with no malicious undertone. He doesn't look like he's a bad guy, with kind eyes and pleasant expression. But looks are deceiving.
"Who are you?" I spit.
"My name is Matthias. Captain Matthias."

Hello everyone.
It's been awhile. I had to battle a couple colds and stressful events at work, but I finally found the time to compile this short chapter. Hope you like it and I'll catch you next time!
Go enjoy the nice weather and have fun!
Best wishes, LiethaS

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