Chapter 3

15 2 1


A.D. 3267

March 21st


Twenty minutes later, the specialty forces arrive and gather in tight formation around the cage containing the creature from Planet Dempt. Mathias stands back a little ways with the group of scientists and watches the fascinating creature with interest.

"What is this species called?" he asks quietly, leaning closer to the first scientist.

The man looks at him in surprise. "You don't know?"

Mathias shakes his head, still annoyed that the files didn't contain that information.

The scientist raises his eyebrows, then sighs. "It's a...."

"It's a cat, Captain Mathias!" a loud voice echoes through the large cargo area, filled with authority.

Everyone straightens immediately and turns toward the person who'd spoken.

It's the Head Scientist and his entourage.

Mathias works hard to not raise an eyebrow and smiles tightly at the man. He catches the scientists around him bowing out of the corner of his eye and almost eye rolls. The Head Scientist always acts like he's the king of the universe, and he and Mathias have never seen eye to eye.

"At ease," the Head says, striding stiffly towards the group. He's older, probably mid-sixties, with salt and pepper cropped hair and a scrawny build. His entourage consists of six assistants that never leave his side, four men and two women, all dressed sharply in black suits with white shirts. They carry clipboards and pens like every assistant on Stardust.

Mathias does raise an eyebrow then as he remembers the Head's earlier answer. "Come again?"

"It is a cat," the man states again, saying the word with such reverence that Mathias turns ways to hide his frown.

Cat. Just what it looks like. Guess the universe ran out of ideas.

"It is a Centir Aviva Tanimus, or C.A.T. for short. The most dangerous creature on the Planet Dempt," the Scientist's voice cuts back into that Captain's thoughts.


The Head--okay, Mathias should probably stop calling him the Head, since he has a name, Jonas, to be exact, but nah, Head is better--straightens his jacket and fixes his attention on the cage and the soldiers surrounding it, completely forgetting that Mathias exists. He stares at the creature for a long time and nobody moves.






Consciousness returns slowly, bringing with it raging waves of pain. Bright sparks of light flare in swirling darkness.

Lantroupa's eyelids flutter and she draws in a sharp breath, hissing at the pain shooting through her chest and throat. She feels her limbs move of their own accord and fights to draw another breath, forcing the pain in her head to the background as she strains to make her heavy eyelids obey her. Harsh white light meets her violet eyes and she presses them shut again, panting heavily through her gaping mouth. The memories of what had transpired flood into her brain, seeping into every crevice and pounding against her skull, tripling the headache already assaulting her brain.

Operation S.A.L.V.A.T.I.O.N.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant