Chapter 2

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A.D. 3267

March 21st


Lantroupa steels herself and takes a deep breath, grabbing her brother's hand and readying herself to run again. She's not going to stick around.

Just then the whining noise of another engine sounds in her ears, this time from behind them. Lantroupa whips around so hard her hair obscures her vision for a second and when it falls to rest against her back she can't stop the helpless feeling that threatens to drown her.

Three more aircraft hover at their backs, so close she can see the stoic faces of the pilots. She bares her teeth defensively and makes a break for it to the left, aiming for a narrow alley. Sappheer runs behind her and she slows just enough to shove him in front of her. He meets her eyes for a split second and reaches the alley, but it's too late.

Suddenly Lantroupa feels a tight pain around her middle and she stares down, hands automatically going to whatever is constricting her. It's a metal band, connecting to a mechanical arm protruding from the belly of the aircraft nearest her. Immediately, she's ripped away from the alley opening and her brother, the arm contracting back into the ship, relentlessly carrying its unwilling passenger along with it. 

Panic engulfs Lantroupa and her eyes burn with tears as she struggles fugally for freedom. She sees Sappheer halt after a few steps into the alley and looks back at her with horror on his face. 

No! They can't have him too! 


The word is torn from her chest of its own accord and immediately pain crashes through her and her vision dims. The last thing she sees is Sappheer's turning form before she's under the ship and the agony takes her under.



A.D. 3267

March 21st


Mathias plops back down into his office chair with a huge sigh, scrubbing a weary hand over his face and trying to rub the fatigue from his eyes. He's been sitting here for the last two hours, pouring over all the files titled Operation S.A.L.V.A.T.I.O.N.

Although he had received about six of them before his assistant handed him the two newest ones a few hours ago, he hadn't thought them important to read at that exact moment, though now he doesn't know why he made such a stupid decision. Since he had to commandeer the mission to capture that creature from Planet Dempt, he realized he should probably brief himself better in the future.

He chuckles at himself and takes a long sip of his coffee, turning another page of the last file. It contains the Operation's most recent developments, namely a retrieval mission on Earth. The package is scheduled to arrive by tomorrow at midnight.

Mathias skims over the last few pages, then closes the files and packs them neatly into the middle drawer against the wall, locking the cabinet and pushing his chair against his desk. He downs his coffee and leaves his office, locking the door behind him. He heads down the hall to this level's kitchen area, rinsing his cup and leaving it in the sink. 

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