Chapter 1

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A.D. 3267
March 21st

Captain Mathias scratches his head in boredom as he looks out of the window of the small aircraft, wishing he was anywhere but here. He's definitely not a fan of small spaces, and heights is something he could do without as well.
"Five minutes until contact, sir," his pilot says over the intercom.
"Very well," he replies. "Set her down gently this time will you," he adds as an afterthought, trying to bury the thoughts of the last landing which his stomach hadn't liked one bit.
"Sir, we aren't landing," the pilot replies and Mathias cocks his head in confusion.
"Come again?"
"Our orders are to hover and use the cage."
A shudder runs down the captain's spine at the last word and he grits his teeth. The cage is only used with predatory or dangerous experiments. Why wasn't he briefed on this?
"Weren't you briefed, sir?" the pilot asks when it's silent for some time.
Exactly what I was thinking, Mathias wants to snort, but keeps the sarcastic comment to himself and just sticks with a simple "Carry on."
A minute later a beeping noise comes from the console, signalling their targets arrival on their sensors.
"Careful," Mathias demands, leaning against the window frame and gazing at the landscape below as the aircraft breaks through the clouds.
Planet Dempt is surprisingly beautiful, with vast rolling green hills and giant mountains in the distance. A river cuts it's shining way through the low spots of the valleys, origination from the cliffs to the right. Mathias sees some wild animals grazing down below in small herds, looking like a cross between deer and horses--Hains he believes the species are called, but those are not what he's come to collect--given that they are very docile creatures.
A few seconds later, the rolling hills come to a very sudden stop as the aircraft drops off the edge of a huge cliff, the edge of a canyon. At the bottom of this crack runs a dark forest, mixed leaf trees clustering close together as they wind they're way into the distance.
The pilot slows as he hovers over the treetops and follows them down the canyon.
The beeping on the console picks up speed as they move along--the faster it beeps, the closer they are to the target.
"Ready the cage, sir," the pilot calls and Mathias moves to the throttle on the wall, laying his hand on it.
The beeping goes faster and then the pilot gives the signal to drop the cage, a metal square in the belly of the ship.
Mathias quickly pulls the lever down and there's the noise of gears grinding and the ship bucks slightly, causing Mathias to stabilize himself against the wall.
The pilot fiddles with some of the buttons on the console in front of him and then nods as the aircraft bucks again. He seems satisfied.
"Did we get it?" Mathias asks.
"Yes, sir. See for yourself."


A.D. 3267
March 21st

It's a government aircraft.
Lantroupa doesn't waste a second, spinning on her heel and taking off at a dead run.
She has to find Sappheer!
The engine whines behind her and she knows she's been seen but she doesn't look back, doesn't slow. She runs in the direction she saw Sappheer leave, her booted feet carrying her faithfully over the rubble on the ground.
With all her might she wishes she could call out to her brother but it's futile, she's tried speaking so many times, and when she's stressed, her throat closes up even more.
She rounds another corner and slams straight into someone, the impact knocking the breath from her lungs.
She staggers back and finds herself staring into familiar dark blue eyes. She breathes a huge sigh of relief.
"L?" Sappheer questions. "What in the world has got you running around like a frightened rabbit?" He tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear and grabs her shoulders to steady her. "I was just about to come home from getting the firewood, and it's not like I can't take care of myself..."
Lantroupa slams a hand over his mouth, surprising him, but it works to shut him up as she grabs his arm and pulls him along behind her to a big piece of concrete flooring sticking up from the earth where it fell. She jumps behind it and pulls her brother down beside her.
Only then does she allow herself to take a breath and turns to face Sappheer, who's looking at her like she's crazy, eyes shooting a million questions her way.
She moves her hand in a calming motion and points to the air in the direction she'd come from, then slashes a finger across her throat and finishes by forming a circle against her forehead with her right hand.
Tyrannical government aircraft.
Sappheer's eyes widen and he nods in understanding, leaning over to peek around the barrier they're behind. His eyes widen again immediately and he jerks behind cover again, staring at his sister.
"They're here."


A.D. 3267
March 21st

Mathias stares at the small screen on the console with a mixture of awe and disgust.
The creature they caught is not happy, howling and clawing at the bars of the cage. It's hard to tell exactly what it is, but the shape seems definitely feline.
"Wow," is all he can manage.
"I know right?" the pilot agrees.
"But what's so special about this...?" the captain pauses, hoping his pilot will supply the name of the creature he's now responsible for, but the man just shrugs. He doesn't know either.
Top secret yet again, Mathias thinks with distaste.
The men don't spare any more time talking but pull away from the forest and head into outer space, the artificial gravity kicking in as they near the bigger spacecraft waiting for them in the outer reaches of the planet's pull.
Mathias breathes a sigh of relief when they dock and waits for the airlock to open, before striding down the ramp and down the marble white hall.
"Welcome back, sir," his attendant greets him. She smiles warmly and straightens as she hands him a file.
He looks down at it warily and sees it carries the same name as all the other files that have reached his desk recently.
Operation S.A.L.V.A.T.I.O.N.

Dear Readers!

Hope you enjoyed and thank you for sticking by me for this somewhat boring chapter. Beginnings are always hard lol, but we'll be getting to the good stuff soon!

Best wishes,


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