Chapter 6

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Pete pushes the door open and my ears are immediately met with the loud pounding of the base from the music. The beat is not bad, and the bar isn't too full of people.

Okay, maybe I will not have as bad a time as I thought.

I make a beeline for the aforementioned place and order a tall strawberry margarita, leaning with my hips against the counter as I turn and survey the crowd. Pete is already making a fool of himself on the dance floor with both ladies swaying beside him.

Good for him, but not something I'm about to do. I'm calm and collected, and don't like to step out of my comfort zone, preferring to think things through.

The opposite of Pete basically.

I look around again and something catches my gaze in the corner. I do a quick double-take, keeping the movement unobtrusive. 

There's a lounging area in that corner, with plush couches and soft lighting, set apart a little ways from the ruckus of the crowds and the bar. Seated on the couches and moving towards it even now, is a group of familiar-looking men in suits. High ranking men from the looks of them and the way they walk.

Curiosity starts pulling at me and of course, I listen to it, slowly stepping away from the bar and wandering in an as unsuspecting way as possible ever closer to the group. I make it within earshot faster than expected and settle for a spot against the wall in a shadow with a couple of quieter people talking amongst themselves to cover up my eavesdropping.

All the men have settled on the couches a couple of minutes prior, some of them stashing black briefcases under the seats. My curiosity wants to know what's in them but I reign it in and sip my margarita and strain my ears to catch their conversation which seems to already be on the way.

"We've tried. It's futile. The specimen doesn't respond. No matter what we try, it's useless!"

The first speaker is a skinnier man in a slightly wrinkled suit. He seems agitated. 

"Keep your voice down, Manny. I'm sure we just haven't found the right method yet. Our timeline is still long enough, right?"

This is another man, one I don't recognize.

"Yes," a third pipes up, "but I don't see the point in waiting around. Time is slipping away even now. It'll be over before we know it!"

"Alright, alright, calm down. I have a couple ideas."

All eyes turn to a the fourth man who spoke and they all lean in, starting to whisper in a hushed tone I can't hear even from here.

I breathe a soft sigh and eye them a couple more times before slowly going back to the bar, sipping my drink thoughtfully. Pete is at the bar now, and I bump him with my elbow when I reach his side.

"Hey," he grins.

"Hi. Listen, I'm going to head back. Thanks for this, but I'm really tired and we got shift tomorrow remember?"

He nods. "Yeah. Aight, Buddy, see ya tomorrow."

"Good night." I turn to the two women. "Ladies."

They smile at me and one of them giggles at the formal tip of my head before I set my glass down, turn my back, and book it out of there, the weird conversation I overheard still playing on repeat in my head, and understanding none of it.


A sharp breath tears the silence in two as I jackknife to a sitting position and stare around with wide eyes. It's dark, the only sound my heavy, ragged breathing and the thumping of my heart in my head. I'm covered in sweat and panic is drowning me, causing me to gasp like a fish out of water. I'm frozen, but suddenly the fear grows too great and I'm throwing the covers back, stumbling like a drunkard to the bathroom and shoving the door aside. 

The lights come on automatically and I sigh out a heavy breath as their golden glow push the haunted shadows back a bit, leaning heavily on the counter and hanging my head, my breathing still harsh. I work to calm it down, my head finally clearing as I wake up fully.

A nightmare. I had a nightmare, but I don't remember what about. Just that I was terrified.

It's been happening like this for a while now, but it hits me like the first time every time. 

I look up with a shaky exhale and stare at my messy reflection in the mirror as my breathing finally begins to slow. I straighten and rub my hands over my face, turning on the faucet and splashing water over it and my neck. The cool liquid on my skin, drives back the rest of the clawing panic in my chest and I take a deep breath, exiting the bathroom and heading over to the digital window. I peek behind the curtain and see that Helen set it on the forest scenery I love so much. Dark, tall trees standing stately over a bed of fallen leaves, and crowned by a starry sky.

"What time is it?" I ask groggily.

"4:05 am," Helen's voice answers.

Even when her humanoid form is charging for the night, she's always there as an assistant when I have a question. 

It's too early to get ready for work, but too late to go back to sleep. I'll go for a run. I quickly throw on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt, then head out the door, quickly making my way over to the track on one of the upper levels. I step into the elevator and fidget with them hem of my shirt while I wait.

As soon as the door opens I already begin my run the last couple hundred feet to the track room. I let the rhythmic sounds of my sneakers against the polished floor drown out my restlessness, my breathing coming heavy but even.

I run passed a couple of white doors, but stop in my tracks when I spot one cracked a couple of inches, with blackness beyond.

I should turn around, I should keep going.

Something about this seems very off, but as always curiosity gets the better of me and I carefully creep up to the door.


Hey dear Readers, I am SOOOOO sorry for waiting this long to get this next chapter out to you guys, but I just couldn't bring myself to write this entire month. Writer's block sucks. Then tonight I was recording a karaoke sesh and doodling, when suddenly I decide to open my laptop and wabam! 1000 something words later, DONE!!!


Again, so sorry, but I'd rather go with the flow and give myself breaks when needed since I don't want writing to turn into a chore. I love doing it too much.

Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll catch you next chapter!! (more like in a month lol.)


Best wishes,


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