Chapter 12: We're Just...

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"What about friends with benefits?" I asked.

"Oh so you're using me for sex now." He said and smirked, "I see how it is."

"Omg stop it." I chuckled and slapped him. The room went silent after our laughs faded and we stared at each other for a bit. We couldn't be in a relationship, we both know that. Being friends with benefits is going to be hard enough. The members can't even know.

"I think friends with benefits is a good idea." He said and looked back up at me.

"No strings attached." I replied.

"No strings attached." He repeated, "Can we sleep now I'm really tired."

"Oh wow! Did I actually breach your god like stamina?!" I said with a happy shocked expression.

"No y/n it's literally 1:00 am." He said and I laughed.

"Ok I'll head back to my-" I started but was cut off by a muscled bunny pulling me into a cuddle on the bed.

"Jungkook! Friends with benefits don't do this!" I said trying to squirm out of his hands.

"Oh come on just for tonight I'm really sleepy and you're comfortable." He said with a pout.

"Aish, ok, JUST TONIGHT!" I said and settled back in his arms. The truth is I didn't want it to just be tonight. I wanted it forever, every night, and every day. Is it bad to say that strings are already attached? This is not good, I know that I'm just going to end up heart broken. To be honest I don't know if I can handle that anymore. And still I can't help myself from getting in these situations. I just want to move on, I want to have some normal life experiences. Is that too much to ask. My life is already so far from normal. I couldn't help but start to tear up at the thought. Single drop flowing down my cheek and onto Jungkook's shoulder that my head was resting on.

"Are you crying?!" He asked, "What's wrong?"

"Just don't leave me." I whimpered out, "Even if we stop this relationship, always stay in my life. Please?"

"Of course, of course, shh." He said while patting my head, "I won't leave. I promise."

I felt him hold me tighter as I buried my face further into his chest. Eventually we fell asleep in that position, intertwined.

I woke up at 8:00 am to a text from Jimin.

"Hey, since it's our last day before going back to work do you want to do something fun?" Hmm, I wonder what he means by that.

"Sure." I replied.

"Ok meet me downstairs in 15." He texted back.

"Ok, what should I wear?"

"Anything you want beautiful." Aish this boy.

I tried to get up and realized the giant body next to me, still hanging onto my waist for dear life. Then I heard the all too familiar morning groan of Jeon Jungkook. Oh man, this boy really needs some help.

"Jungkook!" I whined. Nothing, "JUNGKOOK!"

This boy is so damn stubborn I swear to god. He still didn't budge, no noise, no movement, just stationary.

"Jungkooook I need to go." I said.

"No. *insert heart emoji*" He replied.



"Jungkook I need to be downstairs in 15 minutes, I swear to god if you make me late I will call off our deal." I said and glared at him. He immediately let go but still pouted at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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