I could never hate him or any of those kids but he felt so bad. I was getting him this weekend though so we could still have our Uncle's baby day. I just wanted to show him that I wasn't mad at him in the slightest. Because I truly wasn't.

Was that the worst pain I've ever been through in my life? Hell yea, but I wasn't mad.

I pulled into the parking lot of the shop and parked my car in the back before hopping out. I walked into the back doors and made my way inside seeing Kiya working as usual. She's a hard worker.

"Why are you here?" She asked me without looking making me laugh.

"I just came for dinner girl. Nobody wanna work with you," I told her rolling my eyes as she smiled at the customer before walking towards me making me back up. "I can't run! I can't run!"

"That's what I thought scary. What do you want to eat?" She asked me as I sat on the couch.

"You know what I want," I told her as she rolled her eyes.

"Take this and leave," she spoke handing me a bag that was already made.

"How did you know I was coming here for dinner?" I asked her.

"Because you've been in here all day I just knew you were going to come back again. Now go rest your leg. It would be back to normal faster if you actually rest," she told me as I sighed. "Like I know you miss me because I'm so perfect, but please go home and rest,"

"Perfect? Try awful," I told her as she thumped my knee making me grab it.

"Try again," she spoke before walking to the front and talking to customers like she ain't just abuse me.

Can't stand her.

I walked outside and to my car but stopped once I heard yelling and shit. I looked across the street at the corner and saw a lady yelling at a tiny little boy who was crying and reaching for her.

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP! DUMB ASS!" She yelled at him as he cried and reached for her to pick him up. He hugged her leg and she snatched him off of her and pushed him down making him cry harder.

"Aye! What the fuck you doing bitch?!" I yelled throwing my food into the car before walking closer to them.

"Mind yo fucking business!" She yelled at me. "I never even wanted to dumb ass! Always crying like a little faggot and you got my man upset! That's why I beat you ass now!"

"Mommy!" He cried as I reached them. She kicked him in his chest making me push her harshly into her car.

"Mind yo business bitch ass nigga!" She yelled at me as I looked at the baby who was lying on the ground holding his chest and crying. He already looked like he had old bruises and dried blood on him. He looked like he was fucking starving too. "I don't love you sissy ass bitch! I hope you fucking starve to death. Retard!"

"Mommy, I'm sorry!" He cried as I helped him stand up. "I won't cry. Please don't leave me!"

"Fuck you!" She yelled before getting into her car and pulling off quickly making my heart beat fast as fuck.

D-Did she just abandon him on the corner at night? Near a street?

Imagine if I wasn't out here. He tried to chase her car but she was long gone making him trip and fall and start crying harder while coughing. He looks sick, dirty, beaten, bruised, hungry...just everything you don't want to see on a baby.

Cup of Jo (Spinoff of Rags to Riches)Where stories live. Discover now