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Sol was sitting in his office at City Hall when his phone rang. He was drinking some tea as he answered, only for his blood to go cold despite the piping hot tea in his mug, and his brow furrowed in immediate frustration. 

"Who opened their fucking mouth about it?" The Cockney spat to his cousin. Winston sighed on the other end of the line.

"Who do you think, mate?" His cousin said, frustration in his voice.

"Don't tell me it was who I think it was, Winnie." 

"You're thinking of Kaiba, aren't you? Because if you were, then we're thinking of the same person."

"Looks like we're doing a snatch and grab, cuzzo." Solomon said with a low voice into the phone in case anyone was passing his office. As he walked out to his black Manana, he sent a quick text to TJ, Rosalind, and Bubbles to meet at town square for a 'family get together'. As he waited at a stop light, he also sent a quick message to Barry to call him when he woke up from the deep sleep he'd been in. 

Solomon parked his lowrider at the ADMC house, went inside and changed into a pair of black jeans, a black tank top with a windbreaker over it, a pair of black combat boots, his favourite pair of red sunglasses, and a black mask that covered the rest of his head. He pulled out the blacked out van from the garage and drove down to the town square. Of course, his family knew what he meant. They were all in similarly coloured clothing, the only difference being that they didn't wear any sunglasses. None of them said anything, just hopped into the van.

"Gheto Kaiba was kicked out of the ADMC as a prospect, he was a disrespectful little cunt so as high command, we booted him out. It's been brought to my attention that he's opened his fucking mouth about my involvement in the club, and it could potentially fuck up everything I've spent the last few months working on. He has to be punished for being a snitching pussy." Sol debriefed his family, giving the initial context for Rose's sake. He watched as his sister's eyes went from concerned to cold. TJ and Bubbles' expressions seemed to look the same. Both knew what the soldier was like in these situations.

"How are we dealing with him, Sol?" His sister asked with a frown that was hidden behind the mask.

"We're doing a good old fashioned snatch and grab." He chuckled darkly. She laughed an equally dark laugh to her elder brother's and nodded. 

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