Strange Meetings

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The Pit was running in a more successful manner than it had been previously, the MC that ran it had to admit that this British man was the business mogul he claimed to be. The club was busy, a blonde was performing a rock song that caught the ear of everyone who passed by, and the dancefloor was filled with dancing bodies. Behind the bar was a rare sight - an unmasked Micky who slightly bobbed to the beat of the music as he served drinks. Solomon stood at the side of the bar with his arms around Vanessa, the grey-haired goddess who'd caught his attention since moving to the new state. 

She was as beautiful and kind as she was similarly scarred to him. They fit together well, and they were almost always together. She made him feel... safe when fighting back the images of the horrors he'd seen when he'd been enlisted in the British army. She held his hand when he seemed lost in his mind, and he saw similar shadows in her dark eyes that he knew reflected in his. He would take her to the mountains and watch the sunrise with her as she cried about something she never really talked about, he'd hold her hand when she seemed lost in memories. They were each other's anchors, drifting into each other's lives when each of them needed the other.

The door to the bar opened, and a woman with pink-lilac fair up in a ponytail walked in. She was new to the state, and had been looking for the social hub. Her eyes scanned the bar when they fell on him, the man who'd been missing from her life for nearly two years. The man she loved with her whole heart, who she missed every second he was gone, who'd proposed to her before he'd gone missing. He looked a bit different, the scar on the left side of his face from where Mandem had shot him in the heat of battle was gone, and the scar he'd gotten from an IED before she met him had faded considerably. 

He was wearing a denim jacket with a red handprint on the back, with the words 'The Red Hand' written in black surrounding the handprint. On the front of his jacket was a bunch of patches on his chest - one with the Victoria Cross on it, one with the letters 'PM' on it, another with a dragon on it, another one with the letters 'TMC' on it, and other assorted patches Daphne didn't care much to identify. He wore dark jeans, black boots, and a bandana around his neck that looked loose enough to pull up should he get into some less than legal nonsense. The only thing about him that looked like her Solomon was the sunglasses he wore.

She didn't even hesitate, she all but ran to him. She cleared her throat with a big smile on her face. He turned to look at her and raised a brow in cautious confusion.

"Welcome to The Pit, can I help you with something?" He asked her. Vanessa turned to look at the girl who'd approached him. She was a pretty thing, but definitely was new to town.

"Solomon?" Daphne asked with a smile on her face. The soldier narrowed his eyes in suspicion at the stranger calling his name.

"Who's asking?"

"Wh... Sol, don't joke around with me right now." 

"Excuse me? I don't know who you are." With those words, Daphne realised a few things. This man had a woman in his arms whose hand was slowly reaching for the band of her waist, her Solomon was loyal and would never even think about touching another woman like that. Solomon looked at the pink-haired woman he once loved with a look of distrust, confusion, and guarded hypervigiliance that she only saw come out when they worked a job together. This may have been Solomon Walker, but this was a Sol who didn't know her. Did he know their friends? Did he know their family? Did he recognise the other Walkers from back home?

"I... I'm... I'm sorry..." She shook her head and stumbled away. With that, she was gone. And while he couldn't be sure, something about the encounter felt wrong. She seemed vaguely familiar though he couldn't quite place it.

"Who was that?" Vanessa asked him, her brows furrowed in confusion at the odd encounter. 

"I don't know." He shook his head. He thought back to when he'd gotten checked out in the hospital on the first day of being here, and the doctor had seemed surprised he'd even been cleared to fly. Apparently he'd taken a bullet to the head, but he couldn't remember anything like that. All he knew when he got back was a few friendly faces, nothing about a bullet entering his skull. He could barely remember his life before leaving the Army. 

He shrugged and wrapped Vanessa in his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head as he watched the singer perform on the stage at the front of the bar.

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