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The Pit biker bar had been declining in business over the months it had been opened, anyone could see it. A few bikers from the Rogues and Iron Misfits still occasionally came by for some water, but that was about the extent that the bar was even opened. Solomon and his people had seen the bar before and loved it. It was the perfect spot to do business, in both legitimate and not so legal spots. In a desperate attempt to keep their business open, the Vipers had decided to have a party at the bar. They'd made drinks a ridiculously cheap price and hadn't planned to sell any food, and had hired a relatively new person to the city to perform some rock music.

The night was advertised a week before it, so the Red Hand had a lot of time to make plans. They'd decided they wanted to take the Pit, and wouldn't take no for an answer. In the week that lead up to the bar's event, Solomon and Micky had spoken to Mr K and Ramee about getting some help. So the night of the event came, and Solomon walked into the bar. To his left were Micky and Vanessa, and to his right were Mr K and Ramee. In Mr K's hands was an AK as well as Sol's, Ramee and Micky held Uzis, and Vanessa held onto a shotgun. 

To cut the music off, Solomon shot his AK into the ceiling. As bits of the ceiling rained like it was a day in April, the rock music cut off almost immediately and the small crowd who'd been at the bar put their drinks down. After a few moments of silence, the doors at the back opened and five people with black leather jackets with green detailing came running out with FNXs. Before anyone could even question the newcomers, Mr K shot the person leading the small group which followed with everyone else shooting the jacketed people. With the Vipers all down, K and Solomon hung their guns behind their backs. 

Solomon adjusted his shirt and cleared his throat. With a smile from Vanessa and a pat on the back from Ramee, the soldier climbed up on stage. The musician sidestepped away from the microphone with a look of silent nervousness. 

"The Pit bar has been taken and is now under new management, by order of the Red fucking Hand and its sister-gang Chang Gang." Solomon spoke loudly into the microphone. People talked in a low mumble though it didn't concern the Red Hand and the two highest command members of Chang Gang.

The patrons of the bar left after a moment of stunned silence. When the red and blue lights reflected on the entryway of the bar, Solomon and Mr K stepped out after giving their guns to their 2ICs. The cop that stood there was a woman with blonde hair. 

"Hello, officer! Sorry you had to waste a trip coming out here, unfortunately there were some people trespassing on my bar and I had to defend it." The soldier shrugged to the woman. She smiled at him a bit then looked at Mr K.

"I was just helping my friend here." He shrugged. 

"Well... if that's it..." She mumbled. Solomon smiled at her and gave her a wink.

"Right now, we're closed for business, but you're more than welcome to come in for some drinks on the house, if you'd like. We've got some non-alcoholic drinks for those of you who have work in the morning." He said with a smirk that made his much less visible scar on his face seem more visible. She giggled a bit, then nodded.

Before long, the two gang leaders were happily waving the cop away with them both having added her phone number to their phones "in case those trespassers came back". Mr K looked at Solomon and gave him a nod of approval. Something told him that the nod meant more than just happiness that they'd gotten ahold of a business, something told him that the nod meant that he was another step towards being invited into the gang rather than being an associate which meant almost more to him than getting the bar. 

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