The Trigger

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The day had started like every other security detail for Mayor Andi Jones - calling her to see when she needed the Cut, assigning people to her, then checking the shop and restocking it. The security team on this day included Daphne Malone, Nomad Flint, and the boss himself, Solomon Walker. They were transporting the mayor from town hall to Sandy Shores to have a community outreach meeting with the people in the other parts of town. 

Before the group got to the location, something that Solomon and his team hated to see happened. Automatic gunfire sounded off, causing the tires in the Baller to burst and swerve into the other lane then into a fence. Immediately after the vehicle's crash, Solomon began making orders.

"Daphne, get Andi out of her vehicle. Stay with her. Flint, with me son. Shoot anyone who moves who isn't one of ours." He barked. The two nodded and went to work. From behind the wrecked Baller, the former military men began shooting. The guns they had were provided by the police solely for guarding Andi, but an FN57 was nothing compared to the MAC-10s or OTs-14 Grozas that were firing upon them. Solomon fired at one of the gunmen who went down. Flint shot one more and reported it to his friend on the radio.

"One down." He said on the radio. He shot one more when a sound Captain Walker thought he wouldn't hear again rung in his ears. The soft metallic rolling sound of a grenade being thrown and landing near him caught his attention.

"Move!" He ordered Flint. The two ran from their cover, Flint ending up behind a building and Sol running to a Bravado Gauntlet R. The Raid was painted a sandy camo colour, and the gunfire with the sound of explosions brought back so many memories. 

He froze. His blue eyes widened as the memories came flashing back. He remembered the time the Afghans ambushed his team. The young soldier who'd just been shipped out who was sitting beside him in the Jeep was talking about how excited he'd been to bring some pride to his family when a gunshot was heard and his face was blown clean off. The rest of the soldiers poured out of the Jeep only for it to be blown up no more than twenty seconds later. One of them didn't make it out and was exploded with the vehicle, Sol and the last soldier shot at the ambushing enemies. They shot down the enemies, radioed into command their positions and ran so more Afghans wouldn't find them. As they ran, more showed up and shot at them. The last soldier had been shot directly in the chest through and through causing him to go down and Sol was shot in the right thigh though the bullet remained in his skin. He ran until his legs felt like jelly and he fell to the ground.

"-Tain!" Flint's voice echoed in his mind. Flint had shot the last two men down and found his Captain behind the Raid with a horrified look on his face and sweat pouring down his face. He knew the look in the man he loved like a brother's eyes, he'd seen it in Del's eyes and other friends when they were still stationed in the Middle East. It was the look of a man who was seeing something horrible that he couldn't see. Worst of all, the shellshocked man was bleeding from a bullet wound in his right shin.

"Captain!" He yelled for his friend. Sol seemed to be brought out of the flashback and flinched when he saw someone so close to him, bringing up his gun before seeing who it was.

"G-Get back!" He ordered. Flint put his hands up.

"Mate, it's me. You're alright, got shot in the leg though. We need to go, Cap." He said reassuringly. He wordlessly got up and walked with Nomad back to where Daph and Andi were.

"Wh-" Daphne's question was cut off with a warning glare from her boyfriend's best friend. She couldn't understand the look on the man she loved's face. 

"Let's go." Flint ordered. 

Sol couldn't stop thinking about the things he'd seen and done. The thin boy who had carried the tank's bullets as a joke and was one day been torn in half by one of the very rounds he handled and dragged himself around before finally succumbing to the blood loss. The IED that scarred his eye and damaged his knee permanently. The sight of his friends being blown up. When he'd ordered a civilian to stop approaching him with a bag and she didn't listen, so he shot her only to find out the bag had groceries. The time he'd been ordered to question PoW and had tortured him for information. The images couldn't stop repeating in his mind, and he was lost.

Daphne held his hand softly which made him flinch. She smiled softly.

"Are you okay?" She asked him when his eyes focused again. He swallowed nervously.

"I'm alright." He said simply. Even Andi looked at him with compassion. He hated that. He just wanted it to stop, they hadn't been this bad ever before.

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