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Solomon had loved his time in Los Santos. He loved his friends and the family he'd made along the way. He loved making sure the people under his employ were all getting involved in things, making sure they were happy. He loved Daphne, she was his soul mate. He loved Elio and the others, they were some of his closest friends. He loved the Mandem boys, Matt especially was like the son Sol didn't have. He thought for a long time that he would stay in the city always, but as we all know nothing lasts forever.

He'd called a meeting with the Cut, and was sitting in his office. He had his hands clutched together, his chin resting on his hands, sitting with his back straight. Those under his employ all entered around the same time. Daphne was the first in. She recognised the look on her soldier's face, the sadness in his eyes that most people would miss. The Cut stood around his desk, looking at the unusually quiet Solomon.

"Before I get to what I'd like to say, I want to begin this meeting with telling you lot how much it's meant to me that you've all been here. You've taken a chance with us, with me, and I appreciate that." He began, his voice more sombre than it ever had been. Flint knew what it meant instantly, his face falling.

"To do what I wanted to do, we would've had to have began far sooner. Unfortunately, we arrived in Los Santos at the wrong time. Because of that, crime is hard but is also only done with loud noises and a few bullets into cops. That's not how we do it, it's not how we've ever done it. Due to that and a few... personal issues I've talked about with my missus, I've decided that, uh... I can't stay here. This city is beautiful, hilarious, mentally stimulating, but it's also frustrating, saddening, annoying, lonely. I've cherished the time I've spent with you lot, but I can't stay in Los Santos any longer. If I did stay, I would mentally suffer. I've already booked a flight back to Camden, and my flight leaves tonight." Solomon told them. Some of them looked surprised, some looked angry, some were teary-eyed. 

"What are we gonna do with you gone?" Elio asked him angrily. He couldn't believe Solomon Walker, the soldier, the leader, the Ghost himself, was just... leaving and abandoning them. 

"Continue the security company. Find somewhere else to do some naughty things. Meet more like-minded people. Live your lives." Sol answered simply. 

"I can't believe you." Elio scoffed. 

"I'm sorry, mate."

"You're really leaving?" Daphne asked her boyfriend. He nodded silently.

"My flight leaves in an hour." He confirmed.

"Well... then let's get dinner together one last time. All of us, together." She offered. He smiled a small, sad smile as he nodded.

The group sat together in the back right of Rooster's Rest, silently eating their meals. Bubbles was doing his best to hold back the tears he felt - he was losing the man he considered his father.

"Remember the time we played dodgems with golf carts?" Sol tried to lighten the mood. A few people smiled. 

"Remember the first mission we did with Pidgeon?" JT brought up. Sol laughed.

"Your record is a memento to it, innit?" He joked.

They silently ate dinner after a few more laughs. 

Everyone surrounded him at the airport, hugging him and telling him how much he meant to them. Then it was just Daphne and him.

They looked at each other, now alone, and cried. They held each other, tears running down their faces.

"This isn't the end of us, right?" She asked him, sniffling. He sighed and pulled back, looking at her face as if soaking it in for the last time.

"Daph. I'm not sure I'm ever coming back. I can't... keep you in limbo. You have a job here, a life here. I won't stand in the way of that. I want you to be happy, gorgeous." He told her softly, stroking her face lightly.

"You won't stand in the way of that! You're the only person I'll ever want, the only person I've wanted or loved since New York!" She argued angrily.

"I love you, Daphne. Have a good life here." He smiled gently at her, then kissed her with all the love he had for her.

"Flight 203 is now boarding." He was interrupted by the intercom. He pulled back from her, wiped her cheeks, and walked into the airport. She watched him silently, tears streaming down her face. She didn't see him wipe his face from his own tears.

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