The Questioning

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The Cut were standing in a loose circle, talking about upcoming security jobs when Solomon heard heavy boots outside the office. He paused while he was talking and frowned, the expression scrunching up his scars. He was curious about the multiple footsteps but didn't bring it up, perhaps it was client dropping in. 

That thought was pushed away from him when the door burst open and eleven cops stormed the circle. The Cut all raised their hands, fear and confusion on the faces of just about everyone. Everyone but Solomon. 

"Solomon Walker! You're under arrest for the distribution of weaponry, possession of contraband, and drug trafficking." The one up front, a man with white hair and a pair of Oakley sunglasses on his pale face, said in a menacing voice. Sol raised his hand and gave the group under his employ a stern look. The white-haired cop approached and harshly put handcuffs on the soldier. With the poker face that only came from the years of studying an enemy, Solomon walked with the flock of coppers. 

In the smoky interrogation room, Sol had his ankles hooked over each other under the table, his cuffed hands clasped together on the metal table in front of him, an untouched cup of water ahead of him, and a brow tiredly raised as he looked out at the one way mirror. The cop who stood in front of him was unfamiliar - a man with auburn-brown hair in a quiff with his lower face covered in a long stubble, a muddy brown eye looking back at him, the other eye covered in a gold eye patch and scars flowering out from his brow, his arms covered in assorted tattoos that were visible from the Rangers polo he wore, and black drivers gloves covering his hands. 

"For the record, I'm Sergeant Jeffrey Bundy. I'm here with..." The cop began after he pressed the recording button on the device on the table.

"Solomon Walker." He said, looking at this Bundy's good eye with feigned innocent curiosity.

"We're here to talk about your charges. Those being distributing class one and two weapons, possession of contraband like the things you get from robbing banks, possession of illegal drugs, and drug trafficking. What do you have to say about that, how do you plea?" The cop said, standing so he looked taller than the man who looked up at him.

"Not guilty, mate. I have some questions about these charges, actually." He said, his brow furrowing. Bundy sighed and nodded.

"Sure." He allowed.

"Where are you getting these charges? I don't participate in any of those things, I just own my security business. I don't know where you got these ideas." 

"Well, a trusted source told us you told him about it, and we've subpoenad your bank account. There are some signs you've been participating in this." 

"Please tell me, I'll be happy to explain to you." Solomon's words somewhat surprised Bundy. The Ranger was used to all sorts of responses - explanations, stuttering lies, silence, confirmations, maniacal laughter as they explained why they'd done what they'd done - but Sol's curious yet nervous eyes seemed... well, genuine.

"You've been seen pulling out over 500k from your account, putting a million in it." He stated. Solomon laughed, making the copper raise a brow.

"I lent my mate, Elio, that 500k for a car he wanted before he worked at PDM. That million was from my deal with you coppers. My mate, Flint, made some custom armour for you lot, but it was impossible to get it to you lot since cars aren't exactly built for over 7000 pounds of armour. That million was a loan from my missus for the truck I recently bought." Solomon explained with a relieved smile on his face. Of course, those weren't exactly true. The 'loan' had been for some guns and accessories, and the million was payment for one of the wet jobs he did. However, he'd gone to great effort to make sure the people he'd mentioned were aware of any contingency plans he'd made. The truck they'd bought had been originally over a million dollars, but after talking to TJ for a bit, Sol had gotten it for only 600k. There was no way this cop would find out the truth.

"We still have probable cause to raid your properties." Bundy said firmly. The soldier shrugged.

"Go ahead. But, eh... be careful in the bedroom drawer next to the bed. That's where the missus and I keep our... fun time products, if you get what I mean." He smirked. Bundy frowned.

"We haven't been able to get a judge to approve your raid warrant, would you-" 

"Please do, mate. I want to get back to work." Sol interrupted. The Ranger quietly spoke into his radio then looked back at the scarred man in the chair.

"I'll be right back-"

"Actually, mate. I was hoping to chat with you a bit. Considering you and your coppers damaged my storefront when you burst into it, the least you can do for now is keep me company, oi?" The one-eyed man sighed and crossed his arms. He knew the soldier had a point, but he also hoped to get more info out of him. The police had been keeping an eye on this man though Bundy never understood why he got away with everything they'd been accusing him of.

"Sure, I'll sit and talk."

"So, how long have you been an LEO for?" At Sol's question, a brief moment of silence filled the air. He hadn't been expecting that one.

"Two years." He replied, curious as to the man's ways.

"Two years? Mate, that's a while. What do you like about the job so much to keep you interested in it?"

"Investigating cases and people, mostly. I do work with the K9 Program as well." 

"Oh? What's your dog's name?"

"Ted, he's a brown pittie mix."

"That's nice, mate. I've been wanting to get a dog, but it requires you to live not in apartments and all these houses cost an arm and a leg." Sol joked. Bundy chuckled.

"You're not wrong about that. Economy's... not doing so well since Lang was in." The Sergeant told him.

"Huh. I'm curious, mate. What happened to your eye? Your eye patch is unique, it's interesting."

"I got shot. Michael Simone declared war on cops and I was one of the soldier who fought against him." Bundy said simply. Sol scowled.

"I fought in Afghanistan and Iraq. I got hit by an IED and my face got all scarred up on this side and my leg is fucked. I'd appreciate it if you didn't compare a bunch of coppers trying to kill a man to the horrors I've seen." Solomon stated with ice in his voice and fire in his icy-coloured eyes. He stared into Bundy's eye and refused to break eye contact or even blink. The Ranger pursed his lips then looked away, subconsciously submitting to the other man's attempt to intimidate him.

"Sorry to hear that."

"It's alright, mate." 

"What brought you to Los-" The radio interrupted the Sergeant. The cops who'd raided this man's apartment and check his cars had found nothing.

"You're free to go, I'm sorry about this, Mr Walker." He said apologetically, uncuffing him.

"It's alright, mate. Could you tell me who gave you false information? My legal team will be suing him." Sol shrugged. 

"I, uh..." 

"C'mon, mate. Do you really expect me to do something to this guy, especially considering you know I know who it is?" He laughed. The cop nodded.

"I guess you're right. You're a smart man, but I still can't tell you."

As the two walked out, a voice caught Solomon's attention. 

"You are letting him go?!" A heavily accented voice shouted. He looked at the man who stood in the office, speaking to some dispatchers. He looked mostly the same, his hair slicked back into a ponytail and wearing a floral button-up with the sleeves rolled up.

Solomon smirked at Edgar.

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