|Chapter 12: A Night of Pain|

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Y/N's POV: As I slowly awaken, a throbbing pain pulsates through my head, threatening to split it open. My eyes flutter open, and I see him lying beside me, peacefully asleep. But today, there's no warmth in my heart towards him. The events of last night replay in my mind, and I try to rise from my bed, only to be met with searing agony.

Y/N: Shit!

Y/N's POV: Agony courses through me like a relentless tide, rendering my legs useless. My lower back urges me to move, but my legs refuse to obey. And then, a chilling realization strikes me as I feel something wet between my thighs. Blood. It's not the time for my period, and it's certainly not normal menstrual bleeding. Panic grips me as I struggle to move, the pain intensifying with every attempt. With no other choice, I swallow my pride and call out for JK's help.

Y/N: J-K?

JK: *mumbles drowsily*

Y/N: JK! *shaking him gently*

JK: Huh? *struggling to wake*

Y/N: I-I'm bleeding! *stammering*

JK: What? *blinkingly awake*

Y/N: I'm bleeding! *louder*

JK: *jolting upright* What do you mean? *alarmed*

Y/N: I'm bleeding uncontrollably, and I can't move! *tears welling*

JK: Is it... your period? *hesitant*

Y/N: No! It's not normal, and it hurts! *sobbing*

JK: I'll call the doctor! *reaching for his phone*

Y/N: And what will you tell them? *desperation creeping in*

JK: About... this? *bewildered*

Y/N: *voice rising* Do you have any decency? I can't bear this pain anymore! *gritting teeth*

JK: Are you... shouting at me? What should I do? *flustered*

Y/N: *struggling to speak* Can you... help me to the bathroom?

JK: What? *eyes widening*

Y/N: I need... to go to the bathroom!

JK: *flushing red* Let me call a maid!

Y/N: No! Do you want everyone to know? How can a maid assist me in this state? Use your head! *frustration evident*

JK: *speechless, cheeks burning* I... uh... what should I do?

Y/N: *exasperated sigh* Just help me to the bathroom, please.

JK: R-right. *nervously offering assistance*

[He assists you to the bathroom, and as you step inside...]

Y/N: You want to join me in here? Feeling a bit needy, are we? *your tone is loud and pointed*

[He didn't intend to join you, but perhaps he misunderstood your request, thinking you needed his assistance inside. However, your intention was simply to reach the bathroom.]

JK: *in a husky voice* Don't shout, Y/N! It's not often someone's shouted at me or given me that look. I'm here because I care, faults and all. But if you'd prefer some space...

Y/N: *your voice falters slightly* No, it's okay. I can manage.

JK: *softening* Alright. Just be careful. I'll be right outside if you -

[You shut the door firmly, leaving him momentarily stunned by your assertiveness.]

JK's POV: As I stood outside the bathroom door, the weight of the recent exchange with Y/N settled heavily on my shoulders. I hadn't meant to upset them or cause any further distress. Yet, despite my best intentions, my words seemed to have only added to the tension between us.

Listening to the sound of the running water inside, I took a moment to collect my thoughts. Y/N's assertiveness had caught me off guard, their sharp tone and pointed words leaving me momentarily stunned. But as I reflected on our interaction, I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for their courage.

"Call me if you need anything," I finally said, my voice barely above a whisper. It was a simple offer, but it was the least I could do to convey my concern and support. And as I stood there, waiting for their response, I couldn't shake the feeling that Y/N was stronger than I had ever realized.

At that moment, I made a silent promise to myself to be more mindful of their needs, to offer my assistance without hesitation or reservation. 

[Inside the bathroom, you take a moment to collect yourself, appreciating the unexpected strength you've displayed.]

Y/N's POV: 
Inside the bathroom, I took a moment to lean against the door, my heart still pounding from the tense exchange with JK. My body trembled with a mix of frustration and pride, emotions swirling inside me like a turbulent storm.

As I closed my eyes, I replayed the scene in my mind, the words echoing in my ears. Despite the pain that throbbed through every fiber of my being, a small spark of pride flickered within me. I had found my voice, and asserted my needs, even in the face of confusion and misunderstanding.



[The jarring sound of Y/N's collapse in the bathroom shattered the quiet of their home, leaving an uneasy silence in its wake.]

JK: *alarmed* Y/N, what happened? Are you alright?

Y/N: ........... [no response]


[In the intimate confines of their bedroom, the atmosphere thickened with tension as the doctor delivered his verdict.]

???: She needs ample rest and-

Y/N: *stirring from unconsciousness, struggling to focus* You awaken to the doctor's words, grappling with the weight of the situation.

JK: *in a husky murmur* Let me help you up.

Y/N: *pushing him away with a mix of frustration and concern* What's the diagnosis, doctor?

Doctor: *stealing a glance at Jungkook for confirmation*

JK: *nodding*

Doctor: You've experienced bleeding due to... well, let's just say overly enthusiastic activities and dehydration. You need to replenish your fluids and nutrients to recover. And- *hesitates, sharing a significant glance with JK*

Y/N: Is it serious? Is it serious?

Doctor: No, no, nothing grave, but-*hesitates, then looks at JK*

JK: What's on your mind, doctor? *his voice a mix of curiosity and intrigue*

Doctor: Well, you... um... need to abstain from any... intimate engagements until she's better.

[Y/N and JK exchange a glance filled with a tumultuous mix of shock, embarrassment, and frustration, each grappling with their own emotions.

[As the doctor prepares to depart, a palpable tension lingers in the air.]

Doctor: That's all. Take care of yourself. Everything will be fine, and you guys can return to your usual rhythm! Nothing to fret over! I'll take my leave now!

JK: *nods* Allow me to escort you out!

Doctor: No need, sir. Take care of her. *bows respectfully*

JK: *acknowledges with a nod*

Y/N: *sarcastically* Are you sure you're not secretly a mafia boss?

JK: *rendered speechless, his expression a captivating blend of disbelief and amusement*


 Oh my stars, a chapter without pictures? Quite the novelty! But fear not, for while visuals may be absent, the drama certainly isn't. Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster ride through love and secrets.

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