"I look gorgeous! Thank you Lix, I really appreciate it"

His friend beamed back at him, "Always a pleasure, Woo"

A quick glance at the time made Wooyoung relax a little more. 8:57pm. He still had some time left before he was leaving.

The party had started at 8, but Wooyoung decided it would be better if he came a little later. So that all the people there would be at least a little drunk already.

"You're the cutest cat I've ever seen", Felix praised, handing Wooyoung the fluffy black cat ears.


"I'm not going to wear fucking cat ears"

"But I am! So you are too!"

"I'm not! Do I look like a fucking twink to you?"

"You certainly are acting like one right now!"

"Yuqi for the last fucking time. I'm. Not. Wearing. That."

"Yes.", she put the orange cat ears onto his head, "You. Are."

San glared at the shorter girl in front of him. This had been going on for at least 30 minutes already and San was growing angrier by the second.

"How can you think it'd be okay to ignore all of my messages and calls, then suddenly show up at my dorm and expect me to do a fucking couple cat costume?!"

"How can you think it'd be okay to call me, your girlfriend, when having Sex with another girl?!"



"That was an accident"

"Oh so you tripped and just happened to land dick first in her pussy?"

"Nah the fucking was intentional, I just hit the call button on accide-"


San grimaced at his girlfriend's loud voice, turning away slightly. He hated every second of being with her and just wanted her to shut up already.

"Listen", he tried to calm himself down at least a little, "I don't see a point in this. In us."

He took a deep breath.

"Yuqi, I don't think we should-"

"You won't break up with me", she interrupted him.

And even though her eyes were glossy, she still seemed confident and strong. San had always admired her for standing her ground.


"You look handsome with those ears. Let's get going. I can't wait to meet your team again"

The pink haired girl softly grabbed San's hand and guided him out of his room.

The air between them was so thick, San was sure he'd be able to cut it.

And even though Yuqi interrupted him, San knew that he wouldn't have been able to speak those words anyway. She was right. He won't break up. He can't break up.

The couple slowly made their way through the dark halls of the university.

No words were spoken.

Just for a second, San was sure he heard a little sniffle coming from Yuqi but he didn't say anything. He never did. San had heard Yuqi cry a million times because of him, that it seems like he had gotten used to it by now.

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