After getting all of my things unpacked from my bag I sit on my phone until the professor comes in. I try to go on Instagram to scroll for a bit but the instant I do my phone locks me out of it. I'm wondering why my phone is acting up this bad when it's a brand-new phone when I get a text from my dad,

Father: Why are you trying to go on social media during your class hours? You know that I strictly forbid that!

Rhea: I know Father, I'm just waiting for the professor to arrive, so I assumed it was alright to scroll on my phone until then.

Father: If you have time to scroll on your phone then you have time to either be studying or be doing your homework. I didn't think I raised you to be a fool the second you got a phone. You should know better, I'm very disappointed right now. I will have to reconsider your phone privileges when you come home for Christmas. If I catch you doing this again, I will personally come to your school and revoke your phone, is that understood?

Rhea: Yes, Father. I understand loud and clear this won't happen again, I apologize for my behavior.

This is ridiculous, I'm an adult who can legally drink now and I can't even go on my phone for a quick break. Does he think I'm just some sort of working machine who has zero feelings or needs a break? I swear it feels like he never thinks of things from my perspective, only ever from his. If I'm not perfect then this whole little world he created from the day I was born will come tumbling down, and God forbid that happens. One of these days I'm just going to snap, and I honestly don't care who I take down with me.

Before I can get too lost in my thoughts the professor finally comes into the lecture hall.

"Hello students, I am Professor Barnhart and I am in charge of teaching Microbiology 101. I am excited to work with you students and look forward to an exciting learning semester with all of you. Now before we begin I would like to introduce my student aide, please come into the room so I can properly introduce you." He says, and motions his hand for the student to come stand beside him.

I can't believe my eyes when I see who walks in. It can't be him, I'm going to lose my mind if I have to be taught by him for an entire semester. My eyes never deceive me however, it's most definitely him. At least 6'2, dark brown curly hair, flawless brown skin, and a perfect white smile. He's handsome alright, but he's the absolute worst person to ever exist. Maybe this is just his twin brother?

"Class, please welcome Rafael Bautista. He is an amazing student and I'm so glad I have the privilege to have him as our student aide. I expect great things out of him and out of you all as well. "He says.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me! "I say, out loud. That was meant to be in my head, that thought was not meant to come out of my mouth.

Everyone turned to look at me, the one downside to sitting at the back of the class is if you ever say anything it echoes throughout the entire hall.

"Excuse me miss, I would advise you from using that kind of language in the future. I do not tolerate any of that behavior in my classroom, please state your name so I know going forward what kind of troublemaker we have in the classroom," the professor says, putting his hands on his hips, almost hissing when he speaks.

"Rhea Dillion sir. I'm so sorry for the outburst, I can promise you that it won't happen again. I will be as quiet as a mouse unless spoken to from here on out."I say standing up to make sure that I was not mistaken with anyone else. This was my problem and my mistake so I wanted to make sure that no one got the downfall for it.

"That better be the case Ms. Dillion, that kind of behavior will never be tolerated in this classroom let alone this school. Please sit so that we may continue with the introduction. Rafael, please continue." He says, looking over to Rafael to let him finish.

"Thank you, Mr. Barnhart. Wow what a great way to start the class, I must say I am flattered with such a pleasant welcome," he says, which makes the whole class do a quiet laugh, "anyways, you all know my name so all I have to say is it's a pleasure to be a student aide for Mr. Barnhart and I truly am excited to work with all of you. I believe it will be fun if we can make it fun, of course, if some of us could hold our tongues." He says, looking directly at me. His comment, again, makes the whole class including the teacher laugh.

"With that, let's go ahead and get the class started, shall we? Please open your textbooks to page 37 and we may begin with today's lecture."Mr. Barnhart says, then opens his computer to pull up the slideshow.

Why did I have to say that out loud? I know I was upset about him being here but was I so upset as to yell it out? He's been my rival for the past 2 years now, always topping me on everything I do. I was so used to always being on top in high school but that was when I was surrounded by idiots. Even here, most people are smart but they don't aim for the top, they just aim to be good so that they can get their degree and go on their way bragging to everyone about how they went to Harvard. For me, I always have to aim for the top no matter where I'm at, and it was going well for a while until he came into the picture. He's also one who must aim for the top in everything he does, which wouldn't be a bad thing except he does everything better than me. He aims for the top and then some, which puts him currently at the top of our class.

His being in the picture makes me so angry, an anger that I'd never felt before until I met him. He's rude, and snarky, and he always knows just how to push my buttons. It honestly feels like he gets some sick thrill out of annoying me and I hate him for it. No matter what I do I can't ever pass him no matter how hard I try. My father has been giving me hell for it every single time he finds out about it, claiming that he wishes that he had Rafael as a son rather than me as a daughter.

A Dangerous DealTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon