Without hesitation, Soyeon wrapped her arms around Yuqi, pulling her into a comforting hug. "I'm here, Yuqi! God, you're so drunk!" she exclaimed, a hint of amusement mingling with her concern. Soyeon could feel Yuqi's grip relax slightly, her sobs beginning to subside as she realized Soyeon wasn't going anywhere.

As Yuqi's sobs turned into sniffles, and her grip loosened, Soyeon gently suggested, "Let's get you some water and maybe take a little walk, okay? It'll help." She spoke with an understanding tone, ready to guide Yuqi back to a sense of calm and safety.

Yuqi's words came out in a slurred mumble, "I want bed..." as she lazily pointed towards a room nearby, one of the many private spaces set aside for guests needing a moment away from the party's hustle and bustle. Soyeon's initial reaction was a mix of surprise and concern, her cheeks warming with a blush at the sudden shift in Yuqi's behavior.

"Uhmm... Yuqi?" Soyeon's voice was tinged with hesitation, unsure of how to respond to Yuqi's newfound demand. She was trying to maintain a sense of decorum, despite the unusual situation unfolding before her.

Before Soyeon could process the situation further, Yuqi, propelled by her inebriated state and perhaps emboldened by the emotions swirling within her, leaned in and started kissing Soyeon out of nowhere. She uses her tongue to penetrate the entrance of Soyeon's lips. In response, Soyeon allowed her tongue to have a small dance with Yuqi's. However, in the moment, Soyeon's instincts kicked in. She gently but firmly pushed Yuqi away, creating a respectful distance between them. It was essential to handle the situation with care and sensitivity, recognizing Yuqi's vulnerability.

"Yuqi, you're really drunk right now. You might not realize what you're doing," Soyeon said, her tone soft yet firm, aiming to convey understanding without causing further embarrassment or discomfort.

Yuqi's behavior became more pronounced as she pouted, an indication of her state blurring her usual inhibitions. "Your scent is incredibly strong right now. It's driving me crazy...." Her words were slurred, her actions uninhibited by the alcohol coursing through her.

Soyeon's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red at Yuqi's forwardness, a mix of concern and embarrassment marking her features. Yuqi, in her impaired state, attempted to crawl onto Soyeon's lap, a gesture that underlined her lack of awareness and boundary recognition in the moment.

"I want you, Soyeon..." Yuqi murmured, her voice soft and laden with an emotion that might not have been as pronounced under different circumstances.

"Yuqi, you're driving me crazy. But, I gotta tell you, you might regret this," Soyeon whispered, her voice a mixture of concern and affection.

Soyeon, caught in a whirlwind of emotions and responsibility, knew she had to navigate the moment with utmost care. Yuqi's words, "I don't care. I need you..." echoed in the charged atmosphere, a clear sign of her impaired judgment.

Soyeon took a deep breath, her mind racing with thoughts and feelings. She placed her hands gently on Yuqi's waist, not to escalate the situation but to steady her, to offer her a moment of connection that was safe and respectful.

Soyeon closed the distance, her lips meeting Yuqi's in a kiss that was both a question and an answer. Once again, their tongues engaged in a dance of desire. Soyeon slides her hand under the hem of Yuqi's shirt, allowing her hand to explore the hybrid's back as her palm made contact with the deer's skin.

The deer pulled out as soon as she makes her way down to Soyeon's neck. She laps her tongue on Soyeon's warm neck before using her teeth to nip on the huntress.

"Nghh... Yuqi..." Yuqi applied a little bit of force on her teeth, allowing Soyeon to let out a moan. "I didn't know you had this side."

Yuqi runs her tongue on Soyeon's cheek as soon as she finishes marking her human. "You taste good...." Soyeon allows her hands to travel from Yuqi's back, to the deer's torso. Yuqi shivers as she feels the huntress' palms on her abdominal area.

"Do I? I guess you get very naughty when your drunk." Soyeon smirked and plants a kiss on Yuqi's lips, only for Yuqi to press down even harder, allowing the weight of her body to press Soyeon towards the bed.

Soyeon closes her eyes as she allowed her desires to take over her mind and her body. She flips Yuqi over, now that she's on top of Yuqi, her lips makes its way down to Yuqi's neck. The huntress tenderly nibbles on the deer's neck, turning the flesh into a darker shade of purplish-red.

"Mmmhh..... Soyeon-ah...." Yuqi moaned out.

"Yes baby?" Soyeon responded with a seductive tone.

"I love you....."

Soyeon smiled as she pulls her teeth out of Yuqi's neck before allowing her hands to undress Yuqi. "I love you too, baby girl..."

The bass coming from the speakers of the party hall vibrated through the walls, which reached the private room where Soyeon and Yuqi had fun. The red LED lights from the corridors perfectly set up the mood of the two's spicy moment.

After a few minutes of touching each other, the two couples were now left undressed, well not fully. They were both left with only their bra and underwear, since Soyeon's aware of the other people outside of the room. She wanted Yuqi, but at the same time, she wanted to protect her. She knew that anyone can barge in into the room, since it didn't have any lock.

Soyeon didn't want anyone to see Yuqi's naked body, because she knows that she's the only one who could see it.

Yuqi's body belongs to her.

Only her.

"Yuqi-ah..." Soyeon pulled out as she looked at Yuqi's face.

"Yes?" Yuqi responds with a slurred voice.

"Let's continue this in the loft. I'm sick of hearing the other people's voices outside. Plus, we gotta take the others home..."

"But Soyeon-"

"Be a good girl for me and follow what I say..." Yuqi was about to sob when she heard the authority in Soyeon's voice.


Once back at the loft, the group's energy was subdued, a collective exhaustion settling in after the evening's events. Soyeon and Yuqi shared a glance, a silent promise that they would explore the depth of their feelings and the implications of their actions, but only when the time was right.

For now, the immediate concern was ensuring everyone was safe and accounted for. They settled into their familiar surroundings, the comfort of being together as a group a soothing balm after the night's emotional rollercoaster.

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