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The next morning, the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Soyeon blinked her eyes open, the events of the previous night gradually coming back to her. As her gaze adjusted to the light, she realized she was naked. Turning her head, she saw Yuqi lying beside her, also bare.

Soyeon carefully extricated herself from the bed, mindful not to disturb Yuqi. She wrapped a blanket around herself, taking a moment to observe the quiet stillness of Yuqi's face. There was a serenity there that Soyeon rarely saw during their hectic days, and it filled her with an affectionate warmth.

Soyeon stepped out of the room, seeking the solitude of the early morning to gather her thoughts. The loft was silent, the rest of their friends still lost in slumber, oblivious to the turmoil of emotions Soyeon was navigating.

As she made herself a quiet cup of coffee, Soyeon pondered the next steps. Communication with Yuqi was essential; they needed to discuss their feelings openly and decide how to approach their relationship in the light of day.

Soyeon knew that whatever decisions they made, they would need to be made together. The thought was comforting amidst the uncertainty. The undeniable connection they shared was worth exploring, worth understanding, and worth protecting.

Lost in thought, Soyeon didn't hear Yuqi approach until she spoke. "Good morning," Yuqi's voice was soft, a hint of nervousness betraying her usual confidence.

Soyeon turned, offering a small, reassuring smile. "Good morning," she echoed back, her heart settling at the sight of Yuqi. "We need to talk, don't we?"

Yuqi nodded, a serious expression crossing her features. "Yes, we do."

Yuqi took a deep breath, her expression a mixture of apprehension and resolve. "About last night..." she began, her voice trailing off as she sought the right words.

Soyeon reached across the table, her fingers brushing against Yuqi's in a gesture of support. "I know," she said softly, her own nervousness mirrored in her eyes. "We crossed a line we hadn't before. But I don't want you to think it was just... just a mistake or something we should forget."

Yuqi looked up, her gaze locking with Soyeon's. "I don't think it was a mistake," she admitted, her voice stronger now. "It was unexpected, yes, but it felt right. At least to me, it did."

"We should take it slow," Soyeon suggested, her hand still touching Yuqi's. "Figure out what we feel, what this means, without rushing or putting pressure on ourselves."

Yuqi leaned into Soyeon, her arms wrapping tightly around her, seeking comfort in her warmth. The fear of uncertainty, of potentially losing the most important person in her life, felt overwhelming. "I just, don't want to lose you... I know what I did was wrong yesterday and—" her voice was muffled against Soyeon's shoulder, the words heavy with regret.

Soyeon gently cupped Yuqi's face, lifting it so their eyes met. "Hey, shh... It's okay," she soothed, her voice a balm to Yuqi's frayed nerves. "I know you were out of it last night, and I have no idea how you got drunk. But, it's not your fault." Soyeon's eyes conveyed a depth of understanding and compassion that made Yuqi's heart swell. "Whether you did it on purpose or not, I'll always love you for what you are..."

Tears brimmed in Yuqi's eyes, not from sadness but from a profound sense of relief and happiness. To be understood and accepted so completely was a gift she had never anticipated. "I was scared," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Scared of messing everything up, of pushing you away without meaning to."

"You could never push me away," Soyeon assured her, pulling Yuqi back into a hug. "What we have is too strong for that. We'll figure this out together, okay?" Soyeon leaned in and kisses the deer's forehead. "I love you, Yuqi..."

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