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Before the wave of sleep could fully claim Yuqi, nestled atop Soyeon in the comforting embrace of the twilight-filled room, Soyeon's curiosity found its way through the serene silence that had enveloped them. She gazed at Yuqi, her eyes reflecting a mix of wonder and concern as she broached a topic they hadn't yet explored. "Yuqi, how often do you shed your antlers?" Soyeon's voice was gentle, her question driven by a desire to understand more about Yuqi's unique nature.

Yuqi, slightly taken aback by the sudden shift in conversation but touched by Soyeon's interest, shifted to meet Soyeon's gaze more comfortably. A soft sigh escaped her, a precursor to a confession she had seldom had occasion to share. "Actually, I have a disorder where my antlers grow too fast. I end up shedding them every month," she revealed, her voice laced with a hint of self-consciousness.

"That sounds incredibly challenging," Soyeon responded, her voice full of compassion. "Does it hurt? How do you manage every month?" Her questions were not just born out of curiosity but from a genuine desire to offer support, to be there for Yuqi in ways she might not have had to consider before.

Yuqi smiled, a mixture of gratitude and melancholy in her expression. "It can be painful, both physically and emotionally. But I've learned to cope with it over time. It's just a part of who I am," she explained, finding comfort in Soyeon's attentive presence. "Not many people know about this, so... thank you for listening and caring."

Soyeon, moved by Yuqi's vulnerability, tightened her embrace, a silent promise of her unwavering support.

The quiet moments of the loft painted a serene picture, with the soft afternoon sunlight filtering through the windows, casting gentle shadows across the room. Soyeon found herself in a contemplative silence, her gaze fixed on Yuqi, who lay napping peacefully atop her. The sight of Yuqi, so calm and unguarded in her sleep, stirred something deep within Soyeon—a tumult of emotions she hadn't fully acknowledged until now.

Soyeon's heart was a battlefield of confusion and clarity. The warmth of Yuqi's body against hers, the soft sound of her breathing, felt right, as if all the puzzle pieces of her life were falling into place with Yuqi at her side. Yet, the realization that their relationship had evolved far beyond the bounds of simple friendship was daunting. The affection she felt for Yuqi was undeniable, deeper and more profound than she had ever experienced.

As she lay there, Soyeon's mind replayed countless moments they had shared—laughs, touches, and looks that lingered a second too long. Each memory was a testament to the bond they had formed, a connection that went beyond words, beyond the physical world. Soyeon knew Yuqi felt it too; the way Yuqi looked at her, the softness in her voice when she spoke to Soyeon, the comfort they found in each other's presence—it was all there, unspoken but palpable.

But with this realization came a wave of uncertainty. How do you navigate the uncharted waters of love when it blooms in the space between friendship and something more? How do you confess feelings that might change everything? Fear of the unknown, of rejection, or worse, of ruining the beautiful connection they already had, weighed heavily on Soyeon's heart.

Despite the turmoil inside her, Soyeon couldn't help but smile as she watched Yuqi shift slightly in her sleep, a contented sigh escaping her lips. In that moment, Soyeon made a silent vow to herself and to Yuqi. No matter what the future held, she would cherish and protect this bond they shared. She would be patient, giving herself and Yuqi time to understand the depth of their feelings.

As the day began to fade into evening, and the loft filled with the soft glow of twilight, Soyeon's contemplation was gently interrupted by Yuqi stirring in her sleep. The deer hybrid's eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes that held the depth of the night sky. For a moment, they just looked at each other, a silent conversation passing between them, a mixture of understanding, questions, and perhaps a hint of fear of the unknown.

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