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The tension in the room escalated rapidly as Soyeon reached for her gun, her instincts as a hunter kicking in. However, Minnie reacted even faster, her eyes narrowing into dangerous slits. The air charged with imminent violence, she lunged at Soyeon, her movements a blur of speed and ferocity. "BAD HUMAN!" Minnie hissed, her voice laced with anger and fear, clearly misunderstanding Soyeon's intentions.

"Minnie, no!" Miyeon's cry cut through the chaos, her voice desperate. She understood the stakes were high, and any misunderstanding could lead to irreversible consequences. Yet, her plea seemed to go unheard in the heat of the moment.

Soyeon, though taken aback by the sudden attack, didn't lose her composure. With no time to draw her gun, she resorted to the pocket knife she always carried. In a swift, defensive maneuver, she managed to slice through Minnie's lower body. The sharp pain elicited a fierce hiss from Minnie, a sound that reverberated through the room, filled with shock and agony.

As the tension reached a breaking point, Shuhua, acting on instinct and protective urge, launched herself at Minnie. Her teeth found the vulnerable skin at Minnie's neck, a move driven by the primal need to defend her pack. "Shuhua, don't!" Miyeon's voice was a desperate plea, an attempt to halt the violence spiraling out of control.

Minnie's response was swift and fluid, her serpentine lower half allowing her to twist and coil around Shuhua in a defensive maneuver. The sudden constriction forced a whimper from Shuhua, the tables turning in a flash. With her fangs bared, Minnie was poised to strike, her venomous bite a deadly threat looming over the tense moment.

Just as the situation threatened to escalate further into violence, Soyeon intervened with a calculated move. She quickly administered a tranquilizer into Minnie's shoulder, a precise and controlled action amidst the chaos. The effect was immediate; Minnie's tense muscles relaxed, and her aggressive stance waned as the tranquilizer took hold. Within moments, she collapsed into a deep sleep, her body going limp and ceasing the imminent threat.

The room fell into a sudden, heavy silence, the immediate danger neutralized but leaving a thick air of uncertainty and fear.

"Can I explain now?" Miyeon's voice broke the silence, her tone a mix of apprehension and determination. She looked around at the faces staring back at her, each filled with a blend of skepticism and interest.

The atmosphere in the living room was thick with tension and curiosity as everyone settled down, their eyes fixed on Miyeon and the slumbering hybrid, Minnie, on her lap. Covered with a blanket, Minnie seemed harmless now, a stark contrast to the chaos she had caused moments ago.

Before diving into her own story, Miyeon's curiosity about the strangers in her midst couldn't be contained. "Who even are you?" she asked, directing her gaze at Soyeon and Yuqi.

"I'm Soyeon," the hunter introduced herself with a straightforward tone, her eyes steady on Miyeon. "I'm a hunter. And this," she gestured towards Yuqi, "is Yuqi, a hybrid I found in the forest."

Miyeon's brows furrowed, her mind racing with questions. "What are you doing in here?" she inquired, seeking to understand the dynamic before her.

Soyeon's reply was brief. "Long story," she said, dismissing the complexity of their situation with a wave of her hand. "Explain why you have that thing with you." Her eyes darted towards Minnie, skepticism laced in her words.

"She's not a thing," Miyeon defended immediately, her protective instincts kicking in as she places her hand on Minnie's head. "She saved me from that laboratory," she continued, her voice softening as she recounted the events. "She told me it wasn't safe for me to be there.."

"She was different from the others. I could tell she was scared, maybe even more than me. When she first approached me, I thought that was the end. But instead of harming me, she... she protected me. When I cried out in fear, begging for my life, something in her changed. It's like she understood my pain, my desperation."

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