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Upon returning to her house, the first thing Soyeon notices is the unsettling silence that envelops the space—a stark contrast to the confrontation she had braced herself for. Her father, the formidable presence in her life, is conspicuously absent. The relief she feels is mingled with confusion and a hint of unease. The weight of their earlier argument, coupled with her unexpected encounter in the forest, hangs heavily in the air, making the empty house feel even more desolate.

Soyeon moves through the familiar rooms with a sense of dislocation. The absence of her father's commanding voice or the sound of his movements creates an eerie calm. She finds herself listening for any sign of his return, the tension from their unresolved conflict simmering beneath the surface of her thoughts.

With a weary sigh, she takes advantage of the solitude to reflect on the day's events. The encounter with Yuqi, the deer hybrid who claimed Soyeon as her mate, feels like a distant dream, yet the emotions it stirred are undeniably real. Soyeon struggles to reconcile her ingrained beliefs as a hunter with the unexpected compassion she found herself feeling towards Yuqi.

As the evening shadows grow longer, Soyeon decides to use this rare moment of solitude to prepare for what comes next. She knows her father's absence is temporary, and the impending discussion about her actions in the market—and her continued defiance—looms large. She needs a plan, not just for confronting her father but for navigating the complex emotions and moral dilemmas her encounter with Yuqi has precipitated.

Soyeon approaches the window, peering into the gathering dusk, half-expecting to see the familiar antlers emerging from the treeline. But the night reveals nothing, and she is left with her thoughts and the quiet anticipation of challenges to come.

In the stillness of her father's empty house, Soyeon finds herself drawn back to the vivid dream she had about Yuqi. The memory plays out in her mind like a haunting melody—an ethereal encounter in the realm of dreams that defied the harsh realities of their waking world.

As Soyeon sits alone in her room, the dream's imagery unfolds before her. Yuqi, the deer hybrid, had approached her with an innocence that transcended the complexities of their intertwined destinies. The dream echoed with the warmth of Yuqi's touch and the inexplicable comfort that emanated from her presence.

A mixture of confusion and curiosity tugs at Soyeon's thoughts. The dream, though ethereal, left an indelible impression on her. The bond forged in that ephemeral realm seemed to defy the boundaries that defined their roles as hunter and prey.

Deep in contemplation, Soyeon grapples with the layers of emotion that the dream has stirred within her. The echoes of her father's disapproval and the societal norms that governed their existence collide with the softer, enigmatic image of Yuqi—the hybrid who claimed her as a mate.

Soyeon, seeking a distraction from her tumultuous thoughts, settles into the living room and turns on the television. The news report unfolds, revealing a disquieting scene—a laboratory backdrop, the sterile environment contrasting sharply with the shadows of moral ambiguity.

The focus shifts to a particular hybrid, a snake girl with a human upper body and a serpentine lower body adorned with striking black scales. Her appearance is both mesmerizing and unsettling, a testament to the consequences of genetic experimentation. Long, black nails and hands with a gradient from dark to human skin complete the enigmatic image. Blue snake eyes and sharp fangs add an air of danger to the hybrid's captivating visage.

The news narrative takes a darker turn as the anchor describes the hybrid's escape from the laboratory. A chilling revelation follows—the snake hybrid, driven by an unknown motive, had allegedly killed 40 laboratory workers, including scientists, janitors, and researchers. The newscaster's voice carries a tone of urgency, emphasizing the potential threat posed by the missing hybrid.

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