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Yuqi, sensing the shift in Soyeon's demeanor, moved closer, her presence a silent offer of support. The others in the room exchanged worried glances, their concern for Soyeon palpable. The news brought an undeniable tension, a reminder of the complexities and dangers that lurked beyond the safety of their shared home.

Soyeon looked up from the paper, her expression a mix of determination and uncertainty. "I knew this day might come," she started, her voice steady despite the turmoil she felt inside. "But I didn't expect it to find me here, among all of you. I don't want to put any of you in danger because of me."

Miyeon's voice cut through the tension, her tone firm yet reassuring, "It's okay, Soyeon. I know you're trying your best to protect us. I feel like we have to find an organization where these hybrids would be safe."

Her suggestion hung in the air, a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainty. However, Soojin's practicality quickly grounded the conversation. "But how do we find one? You know there are hunters present in the city, right?" Her question underscored the reality of their situation, the constant danger lurking just outside their door.

Miyeon nodded, acknowledging Soojin's concern, but her next words carried a hint of a plan forming. "There could be hunters present in the city, but have you heard about night clubs?" The question seemed out of place at first, a non-sequitur in their serious discussion.

Sensing the confusion, Miyeon elaborated, "Not just any night clubs. I'm talking about the ones that are rumored to be safe havens for hybrids"

Soyeon, still processing the shock of the newspaper article, found a glimmer of hope in Miyeon's suggestion. "Do you think such a place could help us find an organization to protect hybrids?" she asked, the idea igniting a spark of optimism in her.

Miyeon nodded. "It's worth a try. These clubs could be our way in. If there are organizations out there dedicated to helping hybrids, they would know how to navigate the dangers we face, including hunters."

The group made their way into the night club through a nondescript back street entrance, the pulsating beat of the music growing louder with each step they took. The air was thick with anticipation and a touch of apprehension. Soojin, ever the pragmatist, turned to Miyeon with a hint of skepticism in her voice. "Miyeon, are you sure we can meet some people here?"

Miyeon, with a confidence that seemed to reassure the others, nodded. "Yes, I know someone who owns this club. You might want to meet her." Her assurance was a small comfort as they stepped into the chaos of the main club area.

The scene before them was a cacophony of sights, sounds, and scents. People, some of whom were hybrids, mingled, danced, and lost themselves in the revelry of the night. Among them, a few hybrids, unable to control their feral instincts after too much alcohol, caught Soyeon's wary eye. Yuqi, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the environment, seemed to shrink slightly beside her. Sensing her discomfort, Soyeon gently squeezed Yuqi's hand, offering a silent promise of protection and support.

Without further ado, Miyeon guided them through the crowd, her steps purposeful. They arrived at a private room, secluded from the raucous party hall, where the atmosphere was decidedly more controlled and less chaotic.

Once inside, Miyeon took a deep breath and announced into the semi-darkness, "Long time no see, Sana-unnie..." Her voice echoed slightly, filled with a mix of anticipation and an underlying tension.

From the shadows, a response came not in words but in the soft, almost ethereal glow of orange eyes. The figure that emerged was both striking and enigmatic. A woman, seemingly their age, stepped forward, her presence commanding yet not imposing. The dim light revealed her features gently, highlighting the subtle fox-like characteristics that marked her as a hybrid. Her ears twitched slightly, an involuntary movement that betrayed her curiosity or perhaps amusement.

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