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Four years later

Seoul has transformed into a city unrecognizable from its past. The once vibrant metropolis, a hub of culture and technology, had devolved into a dystopian landscape where the rift between humans and hybrids had reached a critical apex. The government's recent edict, outlawing the adoption of hybrids, marked a chilling milestone in this escalating conflict. Hunters, once operating in the shadows, were now emboldened, their mandate expanded to eradicate hybrids deemed rebellious or a threat to societal order.

Amidst this bleak backdrop, secret organizations began to emerge, beacons of resistance in a world growing increasingly darker. These groups, a diverse coalition of humans and hybrids, operated from the shadows of cities rife with hiding spots — abandoned buildings, underground tunnels, and repurposed industrial zones. Here, in these hidden enclaves, plans were hatched, and strategies devised to protect those most vulnerable and to strike back against the oppressive measures enacted by the authorities.

In the shadow of the governmental crackdown and the hunters' increasing aggression, a more sinister threat operated in the margins of society. Mad scientists, driven by a blend of ambition, greed, and a perverse curiosity, targeted the hybrid community for experiments aimed at creating beings of unimaginable power. These rogue elements saw hybrids not as individuals with rights and emotions but as mere subjects for their twisted research, tools to be used in their quest for dominance.

Operating from clandestine laboratories hidden within the city's underbelly or in secluded rural locations, these scientists conducted horrific experiments. Their goals were manifold but unified by a common theme: to manipulate hybrid DNA to enhance certain abilities, creating super-hybrids they could control. These experiments often involved cruel procedures without consent, subjecting hybrids to physical and psychological torment.

The scientists' ultimate aim was to infiltrate and manipulate the government by wielding control over these super-hybrids. By positioning these powerful beings within key sectors of the government or using them to exert force against political figures, the scientists planned to puppeteer the state's apparatus, bending it to their will. This would not only allow them to expand their experimental programs without oversight but also to reshape society according to their dystopian vision.

Rumors of these experiments and the existence of super-hybrids began to circulate within both human and hybrid communities, adding a new layer of fear and mistrust to an already volatile situation. Stories of hybrids disappearing, only to return fundamentally changed or not at all, became common whispers among the populace.

The government, while focusing on the suppression of hybrids, found itself grappling with the threat these rogue scientists posed. The clarity of the battle lines began to blur, with some in power realizing that not all hybrids were the enemy and that the real threat to societal order might lie within these unchecked laboratories.

As the resistance against the government's oppressive policies grew, so too did the awareness of this new menace. Secret organizations dedicated to protecting hybrids began to extend their missions to include exposing and shutting down these experimental facilities. Raids on laboratories were organized, and efforts were made to rescue and rehabilitate those who had been subjected to experimentation.

Amidst the turbulent landscape of a city divided, whispers of a figure known only as "Red Diamond" began to circulate with increasing fervor. This enigmatic assassin had swiftly become a polarizing icon, a shadowy presence whose actions rippled through the fractured society, leaving a trail of fear or adulation in their wake.

To the pro-hybrid factions, "Red Diamond" was a specter of death, a relentless hunter whose very name invoked terror. Stories of their deeds filtered through the underground networks, tales of hybrids who had vanished, only to be found later, if at all, bearing the unmistakable signature of the Red Diamond's work. This assassin seemed to target those who were prominent in the fight for hybrid rights or who possessed abilities that posed a significant threat to the anti-hybrid establishment. The precision and efficiency with which these attacks were carried out suggested a perpetrator with extraordinary skills, perhaps even enhanced by the very science used to oppress their kind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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