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⚠️Mild smut warning⚠️

After wrapping up an in-depth conversation with Sana, Soyeon excused herself and ventured back into the lively atmosphere of the party hall. The music vibrated through the space, a mix of laughter and chatter filling the air as people danced, mingled, and enjoyed the night. Soyeon navigated through the crowd, her eyes searching for her friends until she spotted them at a familiar table.

As she approached, Soyeon couldn't help but notice the playful exchanges happening among her friends.

Shuhua was leaning in close to Soojin, her actions flirtatious, a side of her that often came out in these relaxed settings.

"Soojin-ah... Kiss me..." Shuhua crawled towards Soojin as she licked the human's lips.

"You're such a lightweight Shuhua. But, okay, sure!" Soojin giggled and leaned in as she started to make out with the wolf hybrid, who is known to be the playful baby of the group. Pulling out, Soojin says, "It's been a while since I've tasted some lips... I really wish Hui didn't leave me like that. But, yours are really soft, Shu... And even better..."

Meanwhile, Minnie seemed to be in her own world with Miyeon, their interactions bold and somewhat affectionate. The snake hybrid places her hand on Miyeon's cheek as she admired the human's beautiful face.

Miyeon giggled as she looked straight into the snake's eyes. "Minnie-ah, I've always thought you were hot...." Due to the lack of vocab, Minnie didn't know what Miyeon was talking about. But she could feel the tension between them as Miyeon's breath touched her skin.

"Miyeon... Red...." Miyeon sat up as she places both hands on her face.

"Asian flush?? Ah!!!!"

However, as Soyeon scanned the group, a realization dawned on her - Yuqi was nowhere to be seen. Concern tinged with curiosity, she inquired, "Where's Yuqi?" The question hung in the air for a moment before Soojin responded, pointing towards the private rooms adjacent to the party hall, "She went to one of the private rooms."

Without hesitation, Soyeon made her way to the private rooms, her concern for Yuqi guiding her steps. The hallway was quieter, a stark contrast to the lively party she had just left behind. Upon reaching the room Soojin had indicated, she gently pushed the door open and peered inside. There was Yuqi, her laughter filling the room, her hair a playful mess as if she had been caught in a whirlwind of joy.

"Yuqi?" Soyeon called out, her voice laced with both relief and a hint of worry.

At the sound of her name, Yuqi spun around, her eyes lighting up upon seeing Soyeon. With a gleeful shout, "Soyeon-ah!!" she dashed towards her, wrapping her in a tight hug. The strong scent of alcohol that emanated from Yuqi was unmistakable, enveloping Soyeon and confirming her suspicions.

"Yuqi?! Have you been drinking?!" Soyeon's voice was filled with concern, her arms still holding Yuqi steady, afraid that she might stumble in her intoxicated state.

Yuqi, still within the embrace, nodded slightly, her usual bubbly self amplified by the alcohol. As they navigated their way through the dimly lit hallway, Yuqi's demeanor shifted. The jovial laughter that had filled the air moments before was replaced by a sudden sob. "Soyeon-ah... Why did you leave me?" Her voice trembled, thick with emotion, her words slightly slurred but the sentiment piercingly clear.

Soyeon stopped in her tracks, turning to face Yuqi fully, her expression softening. "Yuqi, I told you I was going to come back..." she reassured, trying to calm her down, her voice steady and gentle.

But Yuqi's emotions were heightened by the alcohol, her usual rationality clouded. "No!!! Don't leave!! I just want you by my side!!!" Her plea was desperate, gripping Soyeon tighter, as if fearing she would disappear if she let go.

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