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tagged: franknazar, rileyhill, seamuscasey, gbrindley, bellaswire

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tagged: franknazar, rileyhill, seamuscasey, gbrindley, bellaswire

tagged: seamuscaseycharlottefantilli got to play dress up!!Comments

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tagged: seamuscasey
charlottefantilli got to play dress up!!

seamuscasey a good time

rileyhill my fav forever

franknazar good times with good friends

bellaswire got to be a hockey player for a day!!
  charlottefantilli took it seriously.

Charlotte stood with Seamus, Frank, and his girlfriend Bella. That's who she mostly hung out with all night, occasionally spending time with Riley. She headed into the washroom, washing her hands at the sink. " Oh hey, Charlotte", Sofia smiled, Charlotte smiling back. " I'm so glad Rutger asked me to come with him, we're heading back to his hotel room", she winked. Charlotte tensed, just laughing awkwardly and leaving the large washroom.

" Hey", Rutger said to her as she walked by, the girl ignoring him. He looked at her weirdly, grabbing her wrist lightly. " You okay?",

" I'm fine", she said, taking her wrist from his hand and walking back to where Seamus talked with some people from the team. " I'm gonna head back to the hotel, thanks for bringing me",

Seamus nodded, " Do you want me to walk you?",

" No it's okay, thanks though". Charlotte said goodbye, giving Riley a long hug before walking herself back to their hotel. She wasn't sure why she was upset, her and Rutger obviously never were anything. Charlotte wished he would seriously ask her what was wrong, but she knew he wouldn't, since he hardly knew anything about her.

Rutger watched as she left, Sofia hooked on his arm. He said he was going back to the hotel, and she took it as, they were going back to his room. " I'm gonna head back", he said, removing his arm from her hold.

" I'll come", she winked, Rutger letting out a breathy laugh. She looked at him, slightly confused. " Oh, you meant your gonna head back because Charlotte is mad you asked me to come with you?",

" Wait, she's mad? Did she tell you?",

Sofia shook her head, " No, but she mentioned that she thought you guys were gonna go together. She hasn't really talked to me since she found out you asked me",
Rutger ran his fingers through his hair, the girl chucking, " You should go. She's a really cool person",

Rutger nodded, quickly leaving the venue and vastly walking back to the hotel that everyone was staying at. He had no idea what he was gonna say to her, but he wanted to say something to make whatever had happened, go away, and have them back to normal.

Charlotte sat on her hotel room bed, hearing a knock on her door. She looked through the peep hole, seeing Rutger, his face red from walking so fast. Charlotte opened the door, the boy looking at her like he'd broken her heart. " Hi?", she said, the boy inviting himself in, " I'm getting ready to go to sleep, so",

" Yeah, can we talk? I won't be long", he said, the girl just nodding. She stood against the door, Rutger standing in front of her. " Look, I know you're upset at me for taking Sofia"-

Charlotte let out a loud scoff, " You're so full of yourself. I don't want to hear you apologize and make me feel like an option, so if that's all you're talking about, you can go",

Rutger shook his head quickly, " No no, that's not what I mean. I meant, I'm mad at myself for taking Sofia, and not you. I wanted to ask you, but I got scared. Plus, Luca seriously scares me",

" He wouldn't hurt a fly", Charlotte joked, Rutger laughing, " So you're saying you didn't ask me because you're scared of my brother? And that's why you haven't been talking to me?", Rutger just nodded, slightly embarrassed. " Ok well, how I see it, if you like someone, you don't ignore them and you definitely don't use their older sibling as an excuse. So, I'll see you back at school",



sun to me, r. mcgroartyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant