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With Charlotte and Rutger both being at the world juniors, the two hadn't really talked in about a week. Obviously the small ' good luck' texts came from them both, but other than that, nothing. She was hoping he was gonna ask her to go to the event that the USA teams had to go to after their tournaments, since you can bring a plus one. The men's team were currently playing their gold medal game, Charlotte watching it on the bus as she was on her way to what could be their last game, but hopefully they got to play their gold medal game as well.

" Come on, we're here", Riley said to her teammate, who just nodded and slid her phone into her pocket. Charlotte followed her into the change room, their team changing into their warm up gear. The brunette quickly grabbed her phone, sending Rutger a quick text.

rutger mcgroarty

good luck fridge!!


Charlotte followed her teammates into the change room, everyone in an amazing mood since they got to play in the gold medal game in two days. She had scored twice in their game, USA winning 3-1. " What would we do without you, Lotto?", one of her teammates smiled. Charlotte never understood the nickname, but she didn't really complain. Charlotte just smiled back, beginning to take her gear off.

" The guys also won gold, so we have to win now, or we'll never hear the end of it", she heard of her teammates say, Charlotte smiling slightly. She knew how much Rutger wanted to win the whole tournament, since it would be all he would talk about to her for what felt like years. Charlotte got done changing, her and Riley walking out to the teams bus together.

" Better text your friend and congratulate him", Riley teased, Charlotte just laughing. For some reason, she didn't even want to go on her phone to text him. Obviously she was extremely proud, and happy for him, but he had barely spoken to her. It made her feel selfish for thinking like that, of course he wasn't gonna be texting her like crazy, it's world juniors. She shook it off, pulling out her phone.

rutger mcgroarty

TODAY, 6:46 PM

good luck fridge!!

TODAY, 7:32 PM


u guys have to win gold
now or it'll be a rough
celebration event for
the team

yea ok

I'll keep that in mind

I haven't watched ur game

How'd it go?

pretty good

scored twice 👩🏻‍🍳

I'm not surprised 😲

stop w ur emojis

Umm ok be like that

I gotta go

See u

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