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umich men + 2 women

TODAY, 3:24 PM

dylan duke
Does anyone have a spare backpack
I could borrow??

mark estapa
um no

livy poo
Nope sorry dyl

ethan edwards
why do u not have a backpack

dylan duke
I left it at home

luca fantilli
what a mistake

I do😄

dylan duke
U are my knight in shining

rutger mcgroarty
wtf dylan

dylan duke
U are also😜

dylan duke
Luca's sister bring the bag to the
soph house



charlotte walked from her and Olivia's apartment to the sophomore house, which wasn't really the sophomore house anymore. It was originally mark, ethan, dylan and a few other guys, but now that they are juniors, they just let people move in. Thankfully her brother didn't live there, so she sometimes would go over just to say hi to the guys.

" Dylan, your backpack", she said, handing him the plain black bag.

" Thank you so so so much Charlotte, this is why you are the best Fantilli", Dylan cheered, Mark rolling his eyes. " Do you have something to say, Mark?",

Mark shook his head, Charlotte smiling at him. " Well, I'll see you guys later. I have to go",

" Where to?", Ethan questioned, walking to the kitchen

" Rutger and I are just going to get our textbooks together, cause we have one of the same classes this semester",

Ethan and Mark raised an eyebrow at the girl, but nodded as she left. She had told Rutger to pick her up at the soph house, so his jeep was parked outside. Charlotte climbed into the passenger seat, smiling at the boy. " Why are you so excited?", he questioned her and laughed.

" I'm not, but hanging out is better than just sitting at home, don't you think?", she said, Rutger nodding.

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