Happy Place

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Warning: There is a very vague semi-spoiler in the author's note, skip if you hate those.

A/N: Sorry it's been a minute, there is a twist coming, needed time to think it through/plan it out.

3rd Person POV:

Damon couldn't stop watching/observing Rose the rest of the night.

Alaric had gathered everyone at the Boarding House to go over the new game plan of partnering with Klaus over Elijah but Damon had trouble focusing on anything being said.

He just kept re-living tasting Rose's emotions... he couldn't wrap his head around how strongly she felt about him and he wished everyone would clear out already so he could just be alone with her.

Not that he knew what he would say to her about what their blood sharing had revealed to him if anything.

He just wanted to take her up to their room and hold her.

Instead, he was stuck in a late-night strategy meeting he definitely didn't remember requesting.

He was able to take some comfort in how closely Rose stuck to him since getting back from the abandoned house.

After getting him some blood bags she sat right next to him on the sofa, her hand alternating between stroking his back and just holding his hand.

Fuck, he didn't know what he'd done in life to deserve her... but finding a woman after all this time that treated him with this level of gentleness... the little boy that secretly still resided deep inside of him never thought he'd get so lucky.

"Wait, so now we're suddenly all supposed to be team Klaus?" Caroline asks still confused as to how this sudden shift had happened.

"Yeah, I'm confused too, isn't Klaus supposed to be the big bad we were all so afraid of?" Tyler asks.

"He knows about me now, what choice do we have?" Elena asks sparing a glance over at Rose who was the one to tell Klaus.

Rose meanwhile keeps her focus on Damon and pretends she can't feel Elena's eyes burning into her.

"Bonnie?" Caroline asks hoping she has a better idea.

"Sorry, Care, unless your plan is to declare war and attack Klaus or Elijah, there's nothing I can do but prepare to get Elena through this," Bonnie explains.

"What about the weapon John brought over?" Alaric asks.

"The weapon that kills the vampire dumb enough to use it?" Damon asks.

"So I use it," Ric offers.

"You're gonna take a run at Klaus Mikaelson? I know you had a bit of a death wish when you first rode into town but thought you had gotten over that," Damon says.

"I never had a death wish," Alaric argues.

"You half-assed attacked a vampire in his own home," Damon points out, "that move didn't exactly scream 'lust for life.'"

"So we just make a deal with the devil and let Elena sacrifice herself? Caroline's right, there has to be something else we can do," Alaric argues.

"We have the potion from Elijah and Bonnie and Luka worked out how to tie my life to someone else's as a failsafe, that is the plan," Elena says trying to sound a lot more confident than she currently feels.

"The plan to make a mad power-hungry unkillable bad guy even stronger, seriously?!" Caroline exclaims, "Stefan, please you can't be for this, say something," she begs.

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