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A/N: Always awkward to write lemons/smut/sex scenes but when I don't do it, like the first half of You are My Freedom, still to this day people leave comments that they were robbed so bear with me and hopefully those who want the smut will be happy with the entry even if it isn't the best bit of erotic writing ever and for those who want to skip please do so.


When 20 minutes passed and Asshole number 1 was still fine Damon and Rose looked at one another.

"You did it," he tells her a bit amazed.

She breaks into a smile, "I didn't doom us," she says with a mix of relief and excitement.

Damon shakes his head, "Not in the least," he tells her.

She lets out a bit of an excited squeal and jumps into Damon's arms which were all too happy to catch her.

She strokes the side of his face softly relieved she now doesn't have to worry about losing him to a wolf bite and then leans down to kiss him.

The two quickly get lost in one another and Damon starts moving them out of the shed still holding her up in his arms now with her legs wrapped around him.

Forgetting about Asshole number 1 too absorbed in one another they are a bit startled when halfway back to the boarding house they hear violent shrieking.

Looking back toward the shed they see Asshole number one tried to make a break for it while they were distracted but clearly didn't know to wait for the sun to set first.

"Told you he'd end up frying his ass," Damon comments watching the guy burn.

He looks to Rose waiting to see if this is a mood killer but when she looks back at him and just shrugs he finishes racing them inside and up to his room.

Once inside he kicks his door closed and then leans Rose against it staring deeply into her eyes as she lets her legs slide down him back onto the ground.

Rose is the first one to break the unofficial staring contest as she leans up to kiss him again their lips quickly yielding to one another's.

Her arms hang around Damon's neck as he wraps his arms tightly around her waist holding her as closely as possible.

He leaves her mouth placing wet kisses down her neck finding the spot that has her throwing her head back in ecstasy.

He takes his time once he finds that sensitive little area on her neck, kissing, nibbling, and licking her there quickly turning her into a writhing mess.

"Damon," she calls out lifting one of her legs up.

He grabs it with one of his hands holding it right under her knee and opening her up to him as he rubs himself against her.

She clutches at his shoulders, digging her fingers into his muscles as they start to rock against one another still with her pressed up against the door.

Eyeing his bed in the corner she pushes herself off the door and zooms them over to it ripping Damon's shirt off him once he lands on the bed.

She usually has an air of kindness/sweetness about her so it surprises him a bit when she leans into her vampire persona... which happens to be the second oldest he's ever encountered... well, technically third if you wanted to be a stickler.

With that in mind, he told himself to buckle up, this could turn out to be quite the ride... not that he was complaining.

She straddled him on the bed and he shrugged off what remained of his shirt before lifting off hers.

RosedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora