Can I have this Dance?

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a/n: Trigger warning for SA, this chapter will briefly cover a dangerous situation that could be triggering to some so please skip if you need to. I'll mark before you should skip and after with a line bolded like this:


Instead of asking Isobel for help like he told Elena he wouldn't Stefan ended up calling John for help instead, which went over about as well as you could imagine with everyone.

"Can't believe your big save Elena move was to lure John Gilbert back to town," Damon complains once he hears.

"What choice did I have Damon?"

"Not calling him!" Damon snaps at Stefan, "Last thing we need is another unkillable asshole crowding up the streets of Mystic Falls."

"John's not un-killable," Stefan points out.

"Sure if he's randomly hit by a bus but thanks to that nifty little Gilbert ring he's always wearing he's un-killable by us, need I remind you the guy once tried to barbecue me?"

"He's not here to kick up trouble with us, Damon, he wants the same thing we do, to keep Elena safe," Stefan tells him.

"Keep telling yourself that but no dad, even a lying absent one, is gonna be okay with their daughter dating a vampire... especially one who has on occasion in the past ripped the heads off of many a young lady," Damon tells him now getting under Stefan's skin causing him to storm off.

Damon POV:

I couldn't be worried about Stefan's feelings at the moment, not like I said anything that wasn't true. No way John was here just to protect Elena from Klaus and Elijah as soon as they were out of the way Stefan was a fool if he thought we weren't next on the guy's list.

Besides I had other plans tonight that didn't involve coddling Stefan not to mention the werewolf Rose and I had stashed downstairs who was better kept off my brother's radar.

Speaking of... Rose and I were meeting at the Boarding House at 11pm to leave for our little secret mission tonight.

I know she didn't want me "taking care" of Jules for her but I'd be doing it anyway no matter what she said. Despite Rose's age, there was an innocence to her and the only way I saw that happening was if she had a verrrry low body count. Unusual for someone her age but maybe she had been too busy always on the run with Trevor... likey forced to keep as low a profile as possible which meant no unnecessary kills that would draw attention.

I appreciated she thought it should be her responsibility but I'd gladly save her the trouble and take it off her conscious. 

Her plan for tonight was to set a trap, she was currently upstairs in her new room getting dolled up and I was waiting for her down in the living room.

I poured myself a drink before going ahead and making her one as well putting to use the ingredients I picked up the other day for an out-of-this-world Old Fashioned, if I did say so myself.

I heard her heels on the stairs and turned around to see her.

She was wearing a tiny black sequin dress that left almost nothing to the imagination.

I was tempted to drag her right back upstairs and see how the thing looked on my floor but the sooner we did this the sooner we could get rid of our Jules problem, hopefully before Stefan managed to stick his nose in.

"Is that for me?" she asks pointing to the drink in my hand and I pass it over.

She takes a sip her eyes lighting up, "you made this? This is the best old-fashioned I think I've ever had," she says giving me a rush of warm fuzzy feelings that I'd die under torture than ever admit to.

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