Blood and Popcorn

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"I like you... will you go out with me?" Damon says in a whiny voice mocking himself as chats on the phone with Alaric, Rose currently using the restroom at a gas station halfway between the city and Mystic Falls.

"I mean what the hell was I thinking? Is that not the lamest thing you ever heard?" he says.

"Depends," Alaric says looking over to Damon, "did it work? What did she say back?" he asks.

Damon gets a little smile on his face thinking back to the other night, "yes, and that she likes me too," he tells him feeling a little less embarrassed about the whole thing.

"Oh god, happy you is gonna be even more insufferable than miserable you isn't it?" Alaric comments.

Damon shrugs not entirely sure what happiness would look like on him but he was certainly open to finding out.


Jules' Pack was getting restless, she had left about a week ago to try and track down Mason.

She hadn't found him but did say Kathy was in town and might know something, that Mason's nephew Tyler was going to bring her to see her and get some answers. But that was days ago and still nothing.

She should have checked in by now and Brady especially was getting anxious.

Stevie also thinks something must be up and they decide to get the pack together and pay a little visit to Mystic Falls to see for themselves.

"Little heads up before we get there, boys, apparently the town is known to attract vampires," Brady warns.

"We're not afraid of vampires, don't care if we have to kill every last one in town to get Jules back," another member of the pack says.

"Alright, sounds like a party, let go," he says as they pile in their cars and campers and head out.

Meanwhile in Mystic Falls...

After getting back to the Boarding House Damon and Rose lock their newest house guest up in a shed towards the back of the property not wanting to explain to Elena why they need her to invite a new vampire in the house who also happens to be a sexual predator.

"You sure that'll hold him?" Rose asks as Damon yanks on the padlock, "should be fine," he says.

"We can't risk him getting out," she reminds him.

"I know trust me, he's not going anywhere, sun is starting to rise and even if he breaks out it'll only result in him frying his own ass," he says.

"I don't think I said it earlier but thank you for helping me with this," she tells him.

"My pleasure," he says moving closer to her.

They're just about to kiss again when Damon's phone goes off.

"Ugh," he groans.

"It's okay check it, it could be important, I'm in desperate need of a shower anyway... come find me later tho?" She tells him and he smiles.

"Count on it," he tells her earning another of her sweet smiles.

Checking his phone he flips it open, "this better be good, brother."

"Sheriff Forbes declared Mason Lockwood a missing person," Stefan says.

"What? Why?"

"Because some girl named Jules was in town asking around, strangest thing tho suddenly no one can find her," Stefan says.

"Huh, that missing person list grows fast around here, doesn't it?"

"Damon, what did you do?" Stefan asks.

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