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"Five! Four! Three! Two! One!"

The lights went off and I started to scream, feeling the floor shake beneath me.

"This is it," I screamed to Tia, who was already hyperventilating.

Ashton came out on stage and pounded his drums and gave me a semi to be honest, and then the rest of the boys.

I could see Luke perfectly from the center fifth row and he could see me, I think.

"How did we end up talking? In the first place? You said you liked my Cobain shirt...."

Luke's glance slid over to me and he smirked.

"I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there and when I wake up next to you, I wonder how, how did we end up here?"

For the rest of the concert Luke's gaze always went to me, and he wasn't trying to make it inconspicuous.

"Evan, he's staring right at you!" Tia shouted during Amnesia.

It was true, and I wanted to die from happiness.

"Hartman Center, you guys have really been amazing tonight!" Ashton yelled. "Beautiful city, beautiful people, have a lovely night and thank you so much for coming!"

The boys did their final bow and I was almost in tears because the entire experience had been unreal.

I wouldn't want to bore you with all the concert details, but it mostly consisted of Luke looking over at me, and me crying, and also me getting a semi whenever the boys did something hot.

"That was amazing!" Tia sobbed as the lights went back on.

"Hey Tia, I'm going to um, go to the merch stands and see if there's anything left. You can walk back to the hotel without me, I'm going to be a while."

I could tell she knew I was lying but she let it pass. "That's fine, I'll probably be waiting in the hotel lobby for the boys."

"Great, I'll see you later." I smiled, reaching into my jeans pocket to rub the note that Luke had concealed in my hand.


"Great show guys!" I grinned and flopped down on the dressing room couch, cracking a water bottle open.

Michael and Calum exchanged glances.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you just going to ignore the fact that you totally stared that guy down during the show?" Calum asked.

"What guy?" I tried to play it off.

"Don't be stupid Luke, the one at soundcheck. You were staring at him for the entire show, it was the most obvious thing ever," Michael scoffed.

"Is there something going on that we should know about?" Calum asked.

I rolled my eyes. "No, there's nothing. I met a fan at soundcheck and he happened to be in my line of sight. That's all."

Michael shrugged. "Whatever mate, we were just curious."

Ashton swooped in to save me. "Did you guys see the fan that brought the sign that said...."

There was suddenly a timid knock on the dressing room door and I got up quickly.

"That must be Dave, I probably left something onstage."

Ignoring the confused stares on my back, I quickly reached for the door.


"Hi.... Um, I'm supposed to go backstage?" I said awkwardly to the huge security guard.

Fanboy // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now