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"Holy shit," I whisper-screamed to myself, my body quivering with excitement and nervousness.

With a shaking finger, I pressed "answer call" and plugged my earbuds in.

I was actually about to talk to Luke Hemmings, my idol, my everything. I thought I was going to die. Actually die.

My phone connected and a black screen popped up.

"Heyyyy Evan," Luke's face popped up in front of the camera, his blonde hair messy and undone and his blue eyes soft.

I bit my lip so hard I thought I drew blood and my eyes swam with tears so thick I could barely see the boy on the other side of the screen.

"Hey Luke," I tried to say in a voice that passed as causal.

His brows furrowed and he leaned towards the camera. "Evan are you crying? It's just me."

"I'm not crying you jerk," I smiled, moving out of the screen to wipe my tears away.

"So how was your last day of first grade?" Luke teased.

"What are you, my mother? Suck it."

Luke laughed. "Go join a band or something asshole."

"Well damn I wish. Where even are you?"

"The hotel room. It's only like, 6:00 pm and the boys are at a pub, drinking."

"Luke from my perspective, you're usually the one drinking."

Luke scowled adorably over the camera. "My Mum found out."

I burst out laughing which made Luke laugh, but suddenly something shut him up.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"Ashton's here," he ran his fingers through his hair and I screen-shotted because honestly who wouldn't? I have no shame.

"What's going on here?" Ashton's voice rang out and Luke started to laugh again.

"Luke I swear if you're looking at porn- Oh? Hello?"

Ashton's face popped into frame and I smiled shyly. "Luke what's this? Some sort of 'call a fan' contest?"

"No Ash, this is my mate Evan."

"Evan? Is he from Aus?"

Luke rolled his eyes. "No you assface he's from America."

Ashton rolled his eyes and turned to the camera. "You'll have to excuse him Evan. Luke doesn't know how to respect his elders."

"Ashton get off my dick I'm only two years younger than you," Luke groaned and I giggled.

"Whatever. Nice to meet you Evan! Are you going to ROWYSO?"

"Yeah, I am, I'm excited."

Ashton smiled tightly. "Can't wait to see you. Luke, I'm going to go follow spam or something. I'll see you later."

He moved out of the screen and left me with Luke.

"Is he alright?" I asked, feeling a little embarrassed.

Luke giggled, which, even over FaceTime made my heart thump. "He's fine, I just don't normally do this. You're a first."

I pretended to blush. "Aw, thank you."

He laughed. "Hey, wanna hear a really good joke?"

"Oh god."

"I'll take that as a yes. Okay, uh... What's the cheese you can't have? Wait, what's the cheese that's not yours?"

Fanboy // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now