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"So what happened?" Nathan's voice sounded concerned, even over the phone when I called him up wildly to explain what happened.

"So you know the day when you gave me the concert tickets?"


"Well the lead singer, and my favorite member Luke followed me and we started talking over Twitter DM."

"Oh dude right on!"

"Yeah and we became friends, and we FaceTimed like two days ago and that's when he gave me soundcheck tickets and fifth row tickets!"

"Dude what the fuck that's insane! I'm so happy for you."

I could hear the excitement in my brother's voice and my heart jumped.

"Oh and guess what?" I smirked even though he couldn't see me.


"So since it's getting closer to the concert, I sold your tickets for about a hundred dollars more than you bought them for."

"No you fucking didn't."

"Yes I did. I can drive a mean bargain. I'll send you the money."

"Evan don't."

"Evan do. I lied, I've already sent it."

He laughed. "How's the Momster?"

"As bitchy and homophobic as always. Really nothing to her."

"Can't wait for you to join me at college."

"Okay astro boy."

"Shut up."

I laughed and my phone buzzed.

"Hey Nate, I've gotta go, Luke Hemmings just texted me."

"Woah I'd better step off then."

I chuckled. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay Ev. And hey, good luck at your concert."

"Thanks Nate."

The phone went dead, and I picked up the concert tickets delicately, rubbing my thumb over the smooth surface.

I couldn't wait until that concert.



"ASHHHTOOOOON!" I screamed loudly for him and he burst into the bathroom half-dressed and shirtless.

"What the fuck do you want Luke?" He groaned, his beard half-shaved and his hair wet.

I fought back a laugh. "I need your help."

"With what?"

"Just.... Everything."

"That's a real good start Luke."

"Okay but I'm serious, I need your help. I have no idea what to do when I meet Evan."

"What do you mean, you don't know what to do? Just hug him or something."

"What if I don't know what to say? What if I say something stupid? What if I trip and fall when we hug? Ashton I'm so nervous the concert is tomorrow."

Ashton picked up his razor and started to gingerly shave his beard. "I don't know what to tell you Luke. He seems as nervous as you do, from what you've told me. Be yourself, and everything will be fine. Do you want to take a walk with me to find some street art? It'll calm you down."

I sighed. "No it's fine. Where's Cal and Mikey?"

"In the other room," Ashton winced as the razor pricked him.

I grimaced. "Thanks."

I peeked my head through the door of our hotel bedroom and saw Michael and Calum sitting on the bed in front of the TV screen playing an intense game of Mario Kart, and it wasn't really a surprise who was winning.


No answer.


Again, no answer.

"Oi! Guys!"

Michael hissed as his character slipped on a banana peel.

I rolled my eyes and stood in front of the TV screen, ignoring their shrieks of horror.

"What the fuck do you want Luke?" Michael groaned, flopping back onto the bed.

"I need your help."

"With what?" Calum rolled his eyes. "Did you forget how to put a condom on or something?"

"I was wondering how to kindly break up with someone," I said.

Michael's eyes lit up. "Are you dumping Madison? Can I have her?"

I scowled. "Women are not objects you can just 'have', Michael."

"You're right, I'm sorry, but are you dumping her?"

"Not dumping.... Just- letting her go...."

"Why? I thought you and Madison were a thing? All the fans are freaking out about it," Calum said haughtily. "And dude... You'd have to be gay to dump someone like her."

"Yeah it's just not working out, okay?" I snapped.

"No need to get all pissed," Calum muttered, "do you want help or not?"

I sat down on the bed with a defeated sigh. "Yes."

"Listen mate," Michael said, "you just have to tell her it's not working out."

"What's not working out?"

Ashton appeared in the doorframe fully dressed with a stony look on his face.

"Luke wants to break up with Madison," Calum blurted.

Ashton's eyes narrowed. "Luke can I talk to you in the bathroom for a second?"

I ignored Michael and Calum's confused glances at each other and slowly walked into the bathroom with Ash.

"What the hell are you thinking?" He hissed loudly when I closed the door. "You can't just dump Madison, she's your girlfriend."

"No she's not, she never was."

"Luke I'm saying you can't break up with her."

"Why not? I'm gay, and 'dating' her agitates the fans and the relationship isn't even real."

"I know Luke. I know. Remember, it's just temporary."

"Temporary for how long? Two weeks, two years? I mean it's not that I don't like her; she's fine. I just can't lie to the fans anymore, and Mikey and Cal."

Ashton ran a long hand down his face. "I know that Luke. I know it's hard for you. But you just have to hold on for a few more weeks okay? Or at least until you're ready."

I nodded, knowing Ashton was right. "Okay."

Suddenly I heard a bang on the bathroom door. "Hey! Get out you morons, what are you doing in there?"

I opened the door and forced a smile. "Ashton made me realize that I still like Madison."

Calum slapped my back. "Good for you mate. Let's go get some food or something."

Fanboy // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now