Chapter 15 - Lets See Infinity Together

Start from the beginning

"Hey Mars. Are you in L.A yet? I need to talk to you."

"Hey Cass, you alright? Yeah I'm there now, I can call you back later?" I tell her trying to cut the call short.

"No, I need to speak to you now. I fucked up." She tells me and Noah glances at me quickly then shrugs.

"It's okay Cass, honestly. Look I need to go we're on our way to grab some food. Can you call me back later?"

"No. Margo, I really fucked up." Her voice cracks and I know she's on the verge of tears.

"What happened, are you safe? Are you hurt? Do you need me to call someone?" I fire questions at her and she's quiet.

"...Yeah... I'm fine, look I just really need to talk to you. Call me after your dinner, yeah?"

"Sure, I've missed you. I'll call you later. Love ya."

"Aw fuck, yeah. Love ya talk later." She rambles and hangs up.

"Hey you got your apology." Noah tells me with a smile.

"Yeah, something's up with her." I reply and Noah places his hand on my thigh.

"Maybe she was nervous?"

"No, she's done something. I just don't know what it could be to have her that panicked."


"Here we are." Noah says as he pulls up to the restaurant.

"I'm so hungry." I say and my belly growls making Noah laugh. He takes my hand and we make our way inside.

Noah spots the guys straight away and we make our way over to their table. 

"Scoot." Noah commands Nick and we squeeze into the booth.

"Please." I say making the guys laugh.

"Please, and thank you." Noah mocks me and picks up a menu.

"Hey, Your friend called me Mar." Folio tells me and I look at him stunned, Noah coughs and looks at me.

"Did you answer?"

"Nah, she might have butt dialed. Thought I'd let you know." Folio says and picks up a straw, ripping the paper off and blowing it at Nick.

"Weird. She called me too. Did she leave you a voicemail?"

"Yeah, I haven't listened though. What we all eating?" Folio asks but all of a sudden my appetite is gone. The guys are all talking amongst themselves and I totally zone out.

"Baby, what you eating." Noah gently nudges me and I'm pulled out of my own head. I look between him and the waitress.

"I'll have what you're having." I say with a smile.

"Sure thing. I'll go 'nd get that sorted for y'all now." The girl says and Noah looks at me concerned.

"Are you okay? Where'd you go?" He asks me and I shrug.

"Sorry... I don't know I have a weird feeling. Something's up." I know it sounds stupid but I always trust my intuition and I know that somethings wrong. After that call with Cassidy I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

Our food comes out the guys dive into their dinner but I play with mine pushing it around the plate.

"Not hungry?" Noah asks and I shake my head I've been picking at my food for a good twenty minutes.

"Not really, do they do to - go?"

"Yeah babe, I'll ask." Noah says and stands up to go find some help.

"Hey, you okay Margo?" Jolly asks full of concern. "You've barely ate your food and that's your first meal today. What's up?"

"I have a really weird feeling guys. I don't know what it is but something's up. Cass wouldn't call Folio if it was just an apology for me. She said she'd fucked up. I assumed it was because we fell out but I don't know."

"Maybe she called Folio because you didn't answer. Try not to read too much into it. I'm sure it's all good." Jolly says with a reassuring smile as Noah makes his way back over to the table with a takeaway box.

"Here baby." Noah hands me the box and I scoot up so he can sit back down.

"We still on for movie night?" Nick asks as I put my leftovers in the box a chorus of "yeahs" come from the boys. "Mar?"

"Huh? Sure, yeah, sounds good. I hope you have decent taste." I joke and they laugh.

"We're actually also movie buffs." Nick winks. "Every Friday night we have a movie night." I'm informed.

"Who picks the movie?"

"We take turns, but tonight you can pick or else you can't join our movie club." Nick jokes and I dramatically gasp.

"Oh no, my whole life has been leading up to this very moment. The movie night! What will I do!" Noah shakes his head as he chuckles next to me.

"Don't mock movie night Mar, you might not even attend the next one. We take it very seriously." Jolly jokes and the guys get up to go.

"We need to pay." I whisper to Noah as I stand.

"Sorted baby." I roll my eyes. "Hey, this is routine, we do this every Friday. We go for dinner and then watch a movie. Whoever pays picks the film."

"Ohh... I see I see. By that theory then you're choosing. If I don't get to come back to movie night it's on you baby." I smirk as we get to Noah's car.

"I'm coming with you guys." Nick says as he makes his way towards Noah's car.

We all get inside and I notice Jolly and Folio have already left. Noah starts up the car and as we're pulling off Nick groans from the back seat.

"What's up with you?" Noah asks squinting in the mirror at Nick.

"Bro gimme the Aux." Nick moans.

"Can't, Margo's connected." I turn around and stick my tongue out at Nick.

"Fine, you better pick a good song. If you pick a shit one you're banned from the aux." Nick tells me like my life depends on it.

"You got it." Noah turns to me curiously and I wink at him as I select a song. "Concrete Jungle" plays through the speakers  and Noah starts laughing so hard I think he might burst. "This one good enough?" Nick looks at me stunned and then starts laughing.

"Okay, fair game. You got me there." Nick still laughing days as I change the music to "Halo" by Boston Manor. "Fucking passenger princess." Nick jokes.

"Awww, Nick, are you sad because your tiara fell off and you don't get to sit up front anymore?" I turn to face him pouting.

"Yeah actually I am." He pouts back and pretends to cry setting Noah off laughing again.

"Fine, you can pick the next song." I say and hand him my phone. Noah shakes his head and I start to recognise the drive. "We nearly home?" I ask as Nick hands my phone back to me.

"Yeah, not-" Noah's cut off by "Barbie Girl" by Aqua playing through the speakers and a snort escapes me.

"Nick what the fuck? this is your song choice?" I can't stop laughing and Nick shrugs.

"This is why we never give Nick the aux. Thank fuck we're nearly home." Noah says as we pull up on the street the guys stay on.

"Boohoo, I can't wait to judge your movie." Nick laughs as we get to the house and Nick hops out the back seat. "Thanks for the ride." He says and shuts the car door.

"I'm picking a chick flick after that." I tell Noah as we get out the car and make our way inside.

"Good, make it a long one. I love a good chick flick."

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