Chapter 25: arrested

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"Drop the gun right now." Jungwon said, placing his hands in front of him.

"Everything is being ruined. This constant disturbance is making me lose it. I will get rid of everyone who tries to get on my path now." Hyunjay said, just as he was about to pull the trigger, Sunghoon slightly pushed the male, in attempt to make him drop the gun. Hyunjay stumbled on the ground but it didn't cause him to stop though, as he held the gun firmly.

"Die." Hyunjay spoke before a loud shot was heard.

"No!" Sunghoon said loudly.

Jungwon closed his eyes, he couldn't move during that instant. As he waited for the pain, he felt nothing, making him open one of his eyes. He was terrified by what he saw, Jay held his leg in pain, as blood dripped out of his leg.

"Jay.." Jungwon crouched, and looked at Jay. Beads of sweat formed on the older's face, his eyes portraying his pain.

Sunghoon quickly kicked Hyunjay in the stomach and then did the same to the gun, sending it away from this brother's reach.

"It's okay.. I'm fine." Jay smiled.

"You..." Jungwon felt tears in his eyes, as he looked towards Jay's leg, fear took over him as he saw the blood. He grabbed a handlerchief in his hands and slowly wrapped it around Jay's leg.

Sunghoon looked around for Joon-woo but it appeared that he had left, probably escaped after he heard Sunoo's voice.

"Hyunjay.. enough.. stop this madness and turn yourself in.. it's not too late to do it.. You destroyed my life..."Sunghoon spoke, his voice cold.

"As if I'd do that." Hyunjay said out of breath as he held his stomach in pain.

"Well. You leave me no choice.. Sunoo help me remove this chains. And Niki hold this bastard in place."

"Coming." Sunoo said softly as he walked towards the older and slowly removed the chains. Niki made sure than he pressed Hyunjay firmly to the ground to prevent him from moving.

Sunoo then bent down and looked at Hyunjay.

"You are the worst big brother ever. Piece of shit." Sunoo said bitterly before he got up and walked away from the person he no longer considered his brother. Hyunjay didn't seem to care though, as he scoffed at Sunoo's remark.

The male tried to get up only to be pushed down violently by Niki again.

"Where do you think you're going." Niki spoke, making sure to press harder on Hyujay's back making him wince in pain.

Sunghoon then ran towards Jake and slowly cupped his face, wiping away the dried blood. He then slowly planted a delicate kiss onto Jake's head.

"I'm here now.." Sunghoon whispered before he untied the ropes and gently picked up Jake.
He then made his way towards Jay and Jungwon.

"Are you okay Jay?"

"Yes... I'm going alright.. don't worry." Jay reassured, but everyone knew how he was only pretending to be okay.

"You idiot." Jungwon said as he hugged Jay, small tears rolling down his cheek making the older blush.

"I think I should get shot more often." Jay joked.

"Stop talking like that." Jungwon said as he playfully hit Jay in the back.


They were safe for now at least, the fact that Joon-woo ran away is quite a problem. Who knew what he could be planning? Niki had tied up Hyunjay with the chains and the rope and made sure to call the police. The male immediately sent into prison and an interrogation took place. Hyunjay had refused to admit anything.. and many lies would be told.
At least he could stay away from Jake and Sunghoon.

Jay and Jake were brought to the private clinic and got the necessary medical treatment. Sunghoon made sure they got the best rooms too. Jungwon walked in circles waiting for his boyfriend to finally wake up from the operation. Sunghoon simply sat by Jake's bed and held his hand, gently placing kisses on it from time to time.

When the younger finally woke up, Sunghoon pounced on him, engulfing him in a warm embrace.

"You scared meee." Sunghoon whined, as he squeezed Jake tighter.

"I can't breathe." Jake chuckled as he patted Sunghoon's back.

"Hyunjay was put to jail by the way." Sunghoon stated making Jake sigh in relief until he remembered that Joon-woo existed too.

"What about Joon-woo."

"He escaped unfortunately.. the police are still trying to find him. It seems like he left the country."


"Yea.. Anyway how do you feel." Sunghoon said, breaking the hug and staring into the younger's eyes.

"Better.. it doesn't hurt much anymore.." Jake smiled which really warmed Sunghoon's heart. He had been wanting to see that smile. After everything Jake had been through, he thought the younger wouldn't be able to smile anymore. He deeply resented himself for that.

"Once we go home... I'm going to cuddle you,  until you get fed up."

"I could never get fed up." Jake said as he opened his arms once again for Sunghoon to hug him again.

"I missed you so much.." Sunghoon smiled as he burried his head into Jake's neck.

"I did too."

"I'm sorry for making you face all this pain.." Sunghoon said softly.

"It's okay.. I would do anything for you.." Jake chuckled. A noise caused both of them to break the hug.

Suddenly the door slid open, revealing Jakes's parents who were worried sick. They ran up to their son and squeezed him tightly, feeling relieved their beloved child was safe and sound.

"You made me so worried not answering your damn phone for so long. I only thought you needed some space.... Look at you.. that bastard I hate him... my poor son." Ms. Sim complained as she ruffled through Jakes's hair.

"Thank you Sunghoon for saving him." M. Sim smiled.

"Of course I would do anything for him." Sunghoon said softly as he watched his lover.


Around a week later, Jay and Jake were discharged from the hospital and were able to return home. M. Kim was delighted to see that Jake was doing alright. After hearing the news about his son's crimes, he was devasted to know the whole truth. He constantly apologized to Sunghoon, even if the male wasn't mad at him. M. Kim felt guilty for what his son had done.

He didn't know that his son's greed for money would turn him into a murderer.

M. Kim visited his son, with Sunghoon and Jake by his side. Hyunjay was definitely not in a good mood, as he received screams from his father. M. Kim had tears in his eyes as he spoke to his son, making Jake and Sunghoon feel very upset.

It's crazy the things people would do to obtain what they want.


New chapter! I hope you like this.
This story will be ending very soon.
Idk if I can write more
Don't forget to vote and comment :)

Sorry for unpublishing this I had to add something
1137 words

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