Chapter 6: Hang out

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The day was almost over. The sky was covered in vibrant hues,with a variety of shades of red, orange, yellow, purple, and pink. The beautiful colours blended creating a breathtaking and unique sight. The wild, bright yellow flame at the centre of the colourful sky seemed to disappear slowly, behind the horizon, it melted away soon just as a person biding goodbye, and it was now replaced by darkness.

Jake watched through the office window, at the beautiful strokes of colours in the sky, slowly vanishing away to be replaced by a uniform black sky, filled with little night lights. Jake watched the vista from the wide window from Sunghoon's office. There was indeed a huge window pane but it wasn't near Jake's desk. It was behind Sunghoon's table therefore he couldn't admire this wonderful sight like he usually did back at his old spot.

That day he was going to stay with Sunghoon that day, as his assistant. Everyone had already left and he was now waiting for Sunghoon to come back from the restroom. In the meanwhile, his mind was blank as he stared through the window.

Sunghoon soon came back into the office. With a few files in his hands. In hearing the door opening, Jake slightly flinched at the sudden noise. He then turned around to see Sunghoon.

"What are you doing Jake?"

"Waiting for you.. so I can teach you a few stuff."

"Oh.. right..."

"The view from your office is really nice." Jake said with a smile.

"You can come here anytime you want." Sunghoon said, with a small smile.

Jake nodded before smiling at the older.

"Right! Let's start. What do you want to learn?"


"Oh.. you make it look so easy." Sunghoon chuckled.

"It is easy! You just have to get use to it. It took me a few months too before getting it perfectly."

"Look at the amount of different things you can do on this. Why are there so many features! Is this really necessary?" Sunghoon pouted.

"Well! Since you are the second CEO now, you have to stick to the original format of the company. We always have specific plans and ways of formatting them. It gives the company a kinda like unique design. That's why we always do it this way. And plus the chairman liked everything to be organized, neat and detailed." Jake stated.

"This is so complicated." Sunghoon sighed.

"It's okay! You will get it soon. Just be patient."


"To make it easier I'll show you how to use a few features every day until you learnt them all." Jake gave a reassuring smile.

"Alright. Thank you so much." Sunghoon smiled.

It was a genuine one again. Jake couldn't help but slightly blush at the older's pretty smile.

"No issues. So for now I'll teach you these and these." Jake said pointing at the computer screen.

"Okay!" Sunghoon said.

Jake kept teaching Sunghoon for more than an hour. And slowly Sunghoon was able to understand it. It was pretty quick which really impressed the younger. He was a fast learner and was not too stubborn to deal with.

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