Chapter 21: abused

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Jake woke up, his blurred vision slowly got better. His head was spinning and aching. As he tried to move his arms, he realized he was tied up. He struggled to loosen the tight ropes, but it was in vain.

"What the heck? Why am I..."

"Finally awake huh?" A voice erupted making Jake jump slightly.

"Joon-woo?" Jake said softly remembering the older's shameless behavior.

"Ohh sweet.. you remember.. I'm flattered Jake."

"What do you want from me."

"I want you.. you know how I instantly fell in love with you.. I can finally have you all to myself without that idiot."

"I don't want anything to do with you.. I like Sunghoon.. please understand." Jake pleaded.

"Oh... really .. that's too bad, cause you're all mine." Joon-woo said with an evil smile.

Joon-woo slowly walked towards Jake, and placed a hand on his cheeks.

"Leave that selfish bastard.. have me instead."

"Don't touch me." Jake moved his face away.

"Are you sure you want to go against me?" Joon-woo lowered his tone, it sounded creepy. He then took out what seemed like a sharp object and placed it underneath Jake's neck. Jake's breath hitched at the feeling of the cold metal against his skin.

"You are insane..." Jake managed to say.

"I love you so much Jake. I owe Hyunjay my life for giving you to me."

"You both are working together... to kill Sunghoon?"

"Oh so you've heard.. yes indeed. Hyunjay wants the CEO position and I simply want to work with him.. you weren't really part of the plan.. maybe just an angel that fell straight out of heaven."

"You are disgusting.."

"Awe.. that's not the right word to describe us. We are just playing a simple game of cards. The one who wins gets what they want, the one who loses goes to hell. That's what happened to Sunghoon's parents too.. they lost the game."


"Hyunjay murdered the poor baby's parents when he was younger. I think he was around 23 years old?" Joon-woo said.

Jake's eyes widdened. This was crazy! They were plotting against Sunghoon for so long? Sunghoon's and Hyunjay's parents are friends.. how could M. Kim's son do such a cruel act.

"You are the one who caused Sunghoon to suffer all these damn years." Jake said bitterly.

"Getting a little bold aren't we.." Joon-woo said, as he pressed the knife into Jake's skin. Jake winced in pain, as crimson red liquid seeped out of his neck.

"Look how beautiful, you look with blood everywhere. It's like a work of art.." Joon-woo smiled.

"You psychotic piece of shit." Jake said, his ears tearing up at the pain.

"I should probably add some more cuts. You will look so pretty." Joon-woo voice sounded threatening, making Jake tremble slightly.

Jake felt terrified for what was about to come. Unfortunately he couldn't even move an inch.. he was helpless.


"Jay! Jungwon! This is bad! Jake got kidnapped."

"What the hell?" Jungwon exclaimed as he got up from his chair.

"I can't find him anywhere. His phone is off and I can't seem to find his location either."

"Let's try to look for him. File a report to the police saying he is missing, just for more help."

"I already did that.. I'm so scared! What happened to him. He just vanished in thin air." Sunghoon complained, his voice trembling slightly.

"Calm down Sunghoon, we will find him." Jay smiled softly.

"Let's start our search."


Jake felt pain all over his body. He could feel the dried up blood all over his skin, his eyes were swollen from tears. Joon-woo had left the room, leaving him all alone. He really hoped that he would be left alone. He didn't want to endure such pain again. All this information at once was too much to process, it made him constantly think.

"Wow! Joon-woo really didn't hold back on you.. he did an amazing job." the male said, as he walked into the room, causing Jake to come back to reality.

Jake remained silent and watched the man, his smile full of malice. 

"Not talking are we?"

Jake blankly stared at the man. He didn't know how to feel about the whole situation. Hyunjay being a murderer, killing Sunghoon's parents for the sake of money. It's crazy how money made people do the most horrible things.

"Tell me now.. how can I get Sunghoon to come here alone.." Hyunjay asked.

Jake still kept silent, refusing to speak to the man.

"Fucking talk.... Use your ugly mouth to speak." Hyunjay spat.

"What do you want me to say? I don't know how to get him here, neither do I want to. So keep your filthy hands away from him." Jake answered.

"Don't fucking speak to me like that! Know your place. You are so useless just like before.. you destroyed all my plans by eavesdropping me. You even had the guts to record it... I can't even get rid of you because of firstly my idiot cousin and potentially the police. I could still make it seem like a suicide due to the scandal, but it isn't fun if Sunghoon isn't here to witness your demise"

"You psycho... Sunghoon doesn't deserve any this.. stop everything right now. He works hard and the company belongs of his parents." Jake said, tearing up. He was terribly frightened

"He does. I should be the one to have the business not him. I'm simply taking back what I owned. I might've stolen it from him once, that doesn't mean I can't steal it again."

"You.. don't deserve anything.. you're just a broken, heartless bastard." Jake said softly before passing out, losing all the energy he had left in his body.

"So weak." Hyunjay scoffed

"I think.. I will try to get Sunghoon to come here alone.. it might be the best plan for now. Since this bastard ruined my original one. It might be risky too though.. ugh"

Double update:)
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