Chapter 21

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Skye couldn't think of a time that she had ever felt more alive. It was like she could do everything at once, without thinking about anything. Whether it was from her anger, or from the figure, she had no idea. Whatever it was, she wasn't going to take the boost for granted, and she was going to make sure to use the senses to find Tom faster. And then, use them to find his boss. She knew who it was, now, ever since she had joined forces with the figure. She understood everything much better, and she knew more about her past. And now, she was going to use it to her advantage so that she could kill that boy, the one that she would never be able to forgive.

After walking for quite some time, she felt the journals that were in her hand grow heavy. Looking down at it, she felt her fingers itch to open it so she could read it. But after she read it, would she still have enhanced abilities? Would she still be able to sense almost everything that was going on? Or would everything just disappear, like almost everyone she had met here?

To answer your question, yes it will, she heard the figure's voice whisper in her head as she jumped. It will fade along with me. However, if you ever need it again, just try calling upon me. I may be able to reach out and help you, but for now, I believe I will be too weak to do anything like that, especially since I am still adjusting to this brain of yours... It is so full of disorder and confusion. How do you get by each day? I do not understand human beings, nor will I ever really, truly understand.

So you can read my thoughts, huh? Skye thought. Will I never get privacy ever again or something, or will you always be there in my subconscious, reading my every thought that forms? And by the way, you're technically a human too, because you're a human too. You're just a... a very... Uh, how should I put this? A very... mutated human that was experimented on by aliens?

Yes, yes, the figure said, agreeing with Skye although she could tell it was annoyed by her conclusion. However, don't forget that you were experimented on as well, and I am not the only one. And I will try to not read your thoughts. However, that will be very difficult for me, since I am in your head. It is like a big abyss of oblivion, with words floating all around... It is too hard to resist. But for your sake, I will try my hardest.

Skye rolled her eyes, and responded, I'm touched.

Shut up.

Oof, Skye said, crossing her arms. Sassy much. You've broken my heart, Blur.

Do not test my limits. I can leave right now at any moment, since I am just settling in. However, if you keep this up, I will leave and no longer help you. So stop acting like a child and actually start completing your mission. Also, do not call me, "Blur."

You won't leave me. If you do, you won't be fulfilling your mission, so... besides, I can't imagine a world without you. You're too... much too entertaining for me, and the same with you. You secretly think I'm entertaining.

Shut up, I said.

Skye continued walking, trying to find a way to get to the boy. It was surprising, the way he had left such a clear path for her to follow, almost as if he wanted her to follow him. She almost was afraid that it was a trap... Even if it was, at least she would get to him easily, get done with her mission. And if she ended up dying... Well, it wasn't like she had much to live for.

As she walked through the complex corridor, she found her hands tracing the golden swirls on the wall, that used to be so gorgeous with all its beauty. Now, it seemed so fake and artificial; especially since the floor had the occasional dry puddly of blood. Who it was from, Skye wasn't really sure. Especially since there were no bodies lying on the floor. The room seemed empty except for her, and the only noise was her footsteps as her worn-out boots softly touched the wooden ground. Even that was barely audible.

The walls reminded her of the first words Kaya had told her:

"They're pretty, aren't they? You know, I'm surprised they had the luxury of the walls, but not a nice room."

She felt a small tear slip down her cheek. Why was she crying? She couldn't be crying when she was about to go on a full-on duel against that murderer, Tom. She had to be ready. And maybe his boss would be with him. So she had to contain her emotions. Otherwise, everything would be ruined. She wouldn't be able to win. That was what she had been taught as a small child, just a little girl.

"Mmm, you're still mourning the loss of your friend, right?" someone said from behind her, and she quickly turned her head just in time to dodge a slash of a long pole. It would have cut her eye if she hadn't backed away on time.

"A weird tactic, if I do say so myself," Skye spat. "If you want to do a surprise attack, you shouldn't go around warning the person you're attacking that you're coming. You're just the dumbass I thought you to be."

"Don't speak too soon, Skye," Tom said, smiling. The calmness in his voice seemed to make chills roll up herself. "I was much more than you think, and now I will be much more than you think."

"Like I said, don't spoil the surprise for me," Skye hissed.

He continued to swing his pole around, aiming for her head. It was hard to dodge his attacks, especially since he was a little taller than her. She constantly had to go on defense, instead of offense. She didn't even have enough time to grab the knife she had taken, much less neatly set the two journals down. All she could do was dodge his attacks and hope to stay alive.

"Stop moving," Tom commanded. "I want to get a clear hit."

"Not a chance," Skye continued to dodge, finally being able to grab her knife, although she kept it hidden so that she could use it to her own benefit. The element of surprise was always a very good choice, after all. It gave her the upper hand.

When Tom paused for a moment, having gotten exhausted from swinging the pole around, she grabbed the knife, and thrust forward. She was able to get him in the stomach, right where he had gotten Kaya. She twisted the knife, and he gasped as she forced him back so that he was against the wall. Blood leaked out of his mouth and down his chin, landing on her arm. However, she did not flinch. She was focused on his eyes, so that she could ask him a question.

"What did your boss offer you in return?" Skye asked Tom. "What did he offer you?!"

Tom laughed for a moment, and as he took his final breath, whispered, "That is for me to know, and for you to find out. Well, I guess this is the end of my trip. Beware, Skye. I was only the distraction. There's something much bigger waiting for you."

It was only then that she realized how much blood leaked onto her arms and hands. It was thick and warm, making chills run up her spine. But that wasn't enough to break her. He deserved this.

Skye felt a strong grip on her shoulder pull her back, and she ended up slamming into the wall. However, her head was unharmed, so she was able to think clearly.

"Let's finish what we started on Earth," a male voice said, "Perine."


That was Skye's real name.

And the only other person to actually know her real name was... well, at least she knew that her theory was correct. Now she didn't have to worry about whether or not she was worried about the wrong person.

"Hello, Joseph," she said.

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