Chapter 10

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Skye didn't notice how distant everyone was acting with each other until she fell. Or more like tripped, really. She was walking, while looking at her book and wasn't looking where she was going. Because of this, she ended up falling. And everybody didn't even flinch. In fact, they ignored her as if she wasn't a real person, just a whistle of wind.

After getting back to Kaya, she asked her friend, "Is everything okay? Why is everyone acting so distant?"

Kaya sighed, and whispered in Skye's ear, "They're scared of everybody, because... Skye, we haven't been fully honest with you."

Skye couldn't help but feel a hint of betrayal. Honest with her? They hadn't told her something, something so important that it had caused everyone to act hostile towards her, and not only her, even Kaya and Gloria, as well as Joseph and 45?

"What did you not tell me?" Skye asked, frowning for a moment.

"The... you know the figure?" she began, and Skye urged her to continue. "It told everyone that someone was bound to betray everyone else."

Skye could barely hold in the screams that threatened to come out of her throat. The figure was talking about her, she just knew it. Everyone was acting hostile towards everyone else because of her. She had to probably leave... to stop this madness from going on. She couldn't tear everyone apart just because of her existence in the group.

Kaya seemed to sense she was thinking over something, because she asked her friend, "You okay? What are you thinking about? You're not going... going to leave, are you?"

Skye shook her head. She hated lying to her friend, but this was the best way to protect everyone from fighting.

"Okay..." she said, biting her lip.

That night, it was almost like no one wanted to sleep because they didn't trust the others. Skye took the opportunity to write another entry in her journal, considering after that she would have to leave.

Entry 2

I just got one of my memories back... I killed someone in my past, because I was trying to find the murderer of someone. I can't believe I had actually had the guts to do that... now, I can't even look at blood, much less make it come out of the body. The figure gave me my memory back, and now I regret wanting to know anything about my past. And the figure made everyone not trust anyone, since it said something about someone betraying everyone. I think it was talking about me, since it told me I have to keep good on the bargain. I didn't even agree to the bargain!

And on top of that, 32 came and found Kaya and me, and I found out that Joseph, or 159, is a part of my past. I can't believe any of this, it's just too new for me! Everything is driving me insane.

The message on my ceiling that one day... it's changed everything. I mean, I can't believe any of this. I want to know I'm protected, that everyone I love is protected... that's why I'm leaving so that everyone will stop being distant, and even fight each other. I don't know if it's the right thing to do... but it seems like my only option so far.

To Kaya, if you ever read this: I'm so sorry for leaving you.

- Skye

After finishing her writing, she looked around to see if everyone was asleep. They did look like they had their eyes closed, as if they were resting. So Skye got up, about to leave the room, when she heard a whisper say, "Skye, why are you leaving?"

She turned her head to see Joseph staring at her.

"I..." she began, biting her lip and crossing her arms. "Look, I have to go, okay? I can't stay here."

"I'm not trying to stop you," Joseph said. "I am just asking why is it that you want to leave?"

Skye paused for a moment. Considering all her options, she decided to go with the easiest to do. This involved her telling him about how she had been having flashbacks, and how he had been a part of her past.

"Joseph, the truth is..." she began. But then she stopped herself. She was going to approach this a different way.

"You said you have bits and pieces of your life in small flashbacks, right?" she walked closer to where he was now sitting, his back against the wall.

"Yes, I do," he replied, confirming.

"Well... I've been having bits and pieces too," she began, and then continued. "And you were there."

"So you're running away from me?" he asked, confused.


"Running from your past?"


"Then why are you running?" he asked.

She took in a deep breath, deciding to finally explain.

"Can I trust you to keep a secret?" she asked him, now sitting next to him, leaning her head against the wall. He turned his face so that he could face her, and they could talk to each other.

"Yes," he said. "I've been keeping multiple myself."

She took in a deep breath and began to tell him about the writing on her ceiling, the figure talking to her when she was unconscious, and then the way it had given her a memory back, but she was bad in it. She murdered someone. She didn't tell him, however, about the nightmare she had, and how he had been the one to guide her among the pack of wolves.

"Interesting," he said, thinking for a moment. "So you want to leave because you think you are the reason why everyone is fighting?"

"Yes," she said, suddenly finding her fingers very interesting.

He shook his head, responding, "Did you choose to kill everyone?"


"Then why are you so terrified that the figure is right, and you'll betray everyone, and this is really your fault?" he asked, confused by her reasoning. She frowned for a moment, thinking about his response.

"I don't know..." she answered after a long while of thinking.

"See? You don't necessarily have to leave," he said.

How on earth was he so convincing?

She shook her head, a small smile forming on her face.

As the two continued to converse, they were both startled hear several people's voices begin to raise louder and louder, arguing over who was good and who was bad. However, it was beginning to get too colorful and awful. In fact, it soon turned to threats.

"What are they arguing about?" she whispered.

This seemed to rouse everyone, and they began to fight until people began to grab random thing from shelves and throw them at each other, angry because... well, Skye couldn't really tell what all of them were angry about.

She quickly got up from her spot, about to try to calm down. However, Joseph beat her to it by yelling, "Shut your mouths!"

Nobody listened to him this time. If anything, they began to fight each other harder. The violence increased, until someone broke the glass frames and began using them as weapons against everyone.

This was getting bad, fast.

She tried getting to the middle, to get them to stop, but it didn't work. Nothing worked.

Suddenly, there was a huge scream and a gasp from the middle of the crowd. Someone in the middle, who hadn't been fighting at all, had gotten hurt. A glass shard stuck out of their chest, and Skye could see the fear in their eyes from where she was standing.

He was dying.

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