Chapter 14

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Everyone was exhausted because of lack of sleep, meaning they could barely stumble through a couple halls before they all had to take a break and sleep for the night. Even Joseph, with all his intelligence and perseverance could not go on without a small rest. So everyone sat in the hallways, slowly one by one falling asleep, until Skye was the only person to stay awake. Or at least it seemed as if she was the only one awake...

She had just remembered she had left her journal over at the group, meaning she couldn't write in it tonight. Perhaps she would never be able to write in it again, because it would be lost with the group of maniacs who went crazy over a silly rumor.

As she waited for everyone to finish sleeping, she felt someone lightly tap her shoulder. Turning her head, she realized it was her friend, Kaya, who had tapped her shoulder.

"Skye?" she whispered, her voice quiet as to not wake the others.

"Yes?" Skye responded out of pure curiosity. If Kaya had waited to tell her after everyone else had fallen asleep, it was important, right? Perhaps it was so important to her that she wanted it to remain a secret...

"I... I brought your journal with me, because I saw you abandoned it or something," she whispered, handing her the familiar leather book.

Skye gasped with joy, having seen her journal which she had been itching to get her hands on, to write once again. It was something she loved so much so that she would write any time she could, just for the enjoyment. Perhaps she would just write on and on, even if the words were not intelligible. She just loved watching the ink go in circles and lines, finding it fascinating how something so simple could even move mountains. Words were such a precious thing, something that everyone should enjoy. Or maybe not enjoy, but appreciate at least. How else could they communicate?

"Thank you, Kaya," Skye whispered, smiling at her friend. "Thank you so much for this."

Kaya also handed her a pen of which she had brought along, and after Kaya fell back asleep, she opened her journal and took in a deep breath.

Entry 3

I ended up leaving with a group of people, including Kaya (X - 18), Joseph (X - 159), Gabriel (X - 45), and Gloria (X - 32). It was all, in fact, thanks to Joseph who convinced me not to leave at first, since he asked me "Why would you leave?" Now I am sitting next to everyone, who are sleeping... I am the only one awake. Perhaps that is a good thing, that way I can write in peace...

A man had died, due to everyone arguing, and their paranoia. It was the figure's fault for saying that they all had something to fear. Or at least that's what they would like me to believe. I'm not entirely blaming the figure. They should've acted like actual human beings... I tried to save the man; he was so young. He looked no older than eighteen, perhaps he was younger than that... I'm not sure. But he died because of them. I try not to blame myself for their actions, but it is beginning to get harder and harder.

I got hurt; my leg is of no use anymore. I hope I will still be able to use my leg one day, considering how it is almost numb from the pain when I stand up. I hope it heals, eventually.

I almost lost my journal... however, Kaya was thoughtful enough to have brought it along with her, and her own as well.

I am so lucky to have a friend like her in this horrid place.


Skye rested her head, closing her eyes. She tried her hardest to fall asleep. However, it was like she was next to a train, where the constant echoes of wheels on a train track was heard, screeching without a care in the world.

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