Chapter 5

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Skye felt queasy after Kaya said this, her stomach going in circles. Had the same person who had tried to murder her murdered everyone else? And if so, how in the world could they melt into the wall, as well as the floor? It just didn't make any sense...

Kaya raised an eyebrow, as if to sense her confusion.

"Something happen?" Kaya asked.

"While you were gone..." Skye choked out, but her voice slowly trailed off.

"You can go on," Kaya said, sensing how serious this was for Skye.

"They came. They tried to kill me," she said, and her hands began to shake unbearably.

"DUGH!" Skye yelled in frustration, staring down at her hands that would just not stop shaking... She just wanted them to stop.

Kaya came over, sitting next to her friend and whispering in her ear, "I'm sorry I couldn't help you..."

"It's okay," Skye sighed, her frown decreasing. "You were looking for that girl so that nobody would come after us. You saved us. Besides__I'm still here, and that's what counts."

Skye paused for a moment, and then continued.

"Did you manage to catch what number she is?" she asked her friend.

Kaya nodded, although her gaze was evidence of her spacing out. She wasn't listening... it was almost as if she was figuring out a mystery, a question she had been asking herself. Skye silently waited for Kaya to answer her question. However, Kaya never did offer a number, much less a name__instead, she continued to stare at the golden tree that was painted on the wall, probably figuring something out. Skye was about to get up from her spot, to leave and guard the room. That is when Kaya snapped out of her trance.

"I think I figured it out," she whispered.

"What do you mean?" Skye asked sitting down once more on the bed.

"Remember that guy we both talked to when we first woke up?" Kaya said, making eye contact with Skye.

"Yeah..." Skye said, waiting for Kaya to continue explaining.

"Before I left, he said something like, 'Things are not always what they seem to be, X - 18. Think about that, you are intelligent.' And the way you described that person trying to kill you... I don't think it was one of the other people. That figure you described... they seemed as if they were out of this world. What if they were out of this world? What if... if the aliens took us away from Earth somehow and are trying to kill us all for some reason?"

"But aliens aren't..." Skye began but thought about what Kaya had said. What if... she was right?

The pieces definitely fit together, like a puzzle... it just didn't feel logical to her for some reason. But maybe she was...

No, no, Skye thought to herself. Aliens aren't real...

Kaya seemed to sense her nonbelieving, because she continued with her theory. "You know, it wouldn't surprise me if my theory is correct. I mean, that figure literally went through a whole freaking floor and wall."

Skye thought about this for just a moment.

Maybe she was right... she couldn't tell. For now, she was going to stick with the facts: someone was trying to kill everyone, and they probably weren't among the other people.

"You want to sleep?" Skye asked Kaya after a long beat of silence. She couldn't find it in her to sleep after having her flashbacks.

She wasn't surprised when Kaya shook her head. After all, she had seen quite a few horrors while coming back. The two girls silently sat back-to-back, watching and making sure nothing would creep out of the walls, ceiling, or even the doors. Although they were exhausted, they kept their eyelids open for what felt like hours, before Kaya shook Skye so that she would be awakened from her "trance."

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