Chapter 16

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After wandering through the halls for another hour or so, Skye found herself exhausted. She was overworking herself, especially since she couldn't exactly use her leg properly. However, she pressed on, angry because of Gabriel's constant complaining and yelling. It was getting on her nerves, the way that he kept on criticizing her. Finally, she halted in her spot. She turned to face Gabriel, her face full of anger and hatred towards him.

"That's it," she huffed, her face now red like a tomato. She limped to where Gabriel was standing, and for once was happy with the one-inch difference in their heights, not that she didn't like being taller than him in the first place. But now she could seem more intimidating to him.

"I've had ENOUGH of your constant ranting and whining like a spoiled child," she hissed, although she knew that the only reason he was doing this was out of pure irritation and sadness. After all, he had just lost probably his only friend, plus his wife__not to mention his twin son and daughter, who were probably with these people somewhere far from their current position. However, she couldn't find it in herself to take pity on him, to be kinder. She had enough of his complaining. It had to end.


"Look here, asshole. If you don't stop what you're doing right now, I swear I'll throw you across the room," she spat, directly at his face. He made a funny face, and then backed away from her, as if he were actually scared. However, he quickly recovered.

"Well I'm sorry, but I wouldn't be complaining if you hadn't gotten us mixed up in this mess, so determined to help us but end up getting us lost! You're the one to blame, not me!"

Joseph tried to break the fight, but Skye continued with her argument by shoving Gabriel back, yelling at him and trying to slap his face. However, she ended up getting shoved. Since her leg was not fully healed, she stumbled down and fell. Surprisingly enough, she did not end up falling on solid ground when she hit the wooden floor. Or at least, she did at first, but then saw small pieces of wood fly around her as she crashed below the floor, and down... to the floor beneath them. She wanted to scream at Gabriel, to hurt him. However, when she looked around, noticed that she was once again in her room.

And it was in complete chaos.

The walls were splattered with blood. And although there were no dead bodies besides the one man Kaya and her had encountered before they left, she could tell there had been death in this room. She heard Kaya yelling at Gabriel, scolding him for doing such a horrible thing. However, she interrupted her by yelling so they could hear her.

"Guys!" she cried. "I'm... I'm in my room! Come down here!"

Joseph looked down from the hole she had fallen through, and noticing how far down the drop was, shook his head.

"We have to find a safer way to get down," he explained.

"WHAT?" Skye called, not fully understanding what he had said since they were too far apart for her to hear him properly. Perhaps if he spoke louder, she would be able to hear him.

"I SAID, WE NEED TO FIND A SAFER WAY TO GET DOWN!" he shouted, this time speaking at the top of his lungs. "IS THERE ANYTHING THAT COULD HELP US?"

Skye nodded her head, and slowly crawled to where her bed was, telling him that she would guide him to a cushioned fall. He just had to break another hole on top of the bed, first. Of course, it took a great deal of yelling, and took a while to guide him, and a few holes that weren't a good place. However, she finally managed to guide him to her bed.

As soon as he broke it, the new boy, 23, jumped through the hole first as if he wanted to get to safety. And as soon as he arrived, he squealed with fear and hid underneath her bed. Skye rolled her eyes, thinking, Coward.

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